Scovonian Ethnicity in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Islands of Scovony are populated with hardy folk who often travel south to pillage or to offer their services as mercenaries. They usually have pale skin and lightly-colored hair with blond being one of the most common hair colors among them.

Seaborn Warriors

The Scovonian Islands are not very fertile compared to the mainland and this forced the Scovonians to become adept fishers and seafarers. They build small, fast galleys that can travel surprisingly large distances even on the open sea, which they use for trading, fishing and - quite often- pillaging. Most of their kind learns how to operate a galley, and they often spend a decent amount of their lives at sea.

Fractured, yet Strong

The Scovonian Islands have seen their fair share of warfare due to the fractured clans of the Scovonians. Many have attempted to unite the Islands under a common banner and a few succeeded, only to find the Islands fractured again after their death. Despite their differences, Scovonians always view others of their kind with camaraderie. In peace, they often enjoy feasts and celebrations with their kin despite the number of bloody wars before them. When an external threat would threaten the Islands or their people, Scovonians band together without hesitation to face the threat with unparalleled unity.

Revered Elders

Scovonians look up to the elderly and treat them with reverence as their lives are often cut short by accidents and battles. Many of their elders have seen countless battles and wars and thus their counsel is always welcome in Scovonian circles. For the same reason, Scovonians have a deep respect for dwarves and elves, both of whom have very long lifespans compared to that of humans. When meeting them, Scovonians often go out of their way to learn something from the ’elder races’, a practice that gave them quite a few advantageous revelations throughout the centuries.

Divided by Faith

Even though the Order tried to infiltrate Scovonian society for more than 3 centuries, the old religion of the Scovonians never really died out. Commonly believed to be an offshoot of the Kaolite faith, their religion promotes individualism and has a strong emphasis on one’s own destiny. While the religion is not centralized by any means, there are some unwritten, unspoken laws that have embedded themselves into Scovonian society. One of these is the existence of the Karldrengr (Old Warrior in Scovonian), fighters who are care-takers and guards of Scovonian sacred sites and villages.  

Cultural Warriors


Many Scovonian people feel like a life of fishing or trading is not for them and prefer to leave their home and offer their services to fellow Scovonians or foreigners as mercenaries. So many have done this in fact that the Scovonians have built themselves a reputation among mercenaries. They are fast, aggressive and unrelenting in combat.
Strong Bonds. A Scovonian rarely travels alone and mercenary groups seldom have a single Scovonian in their midst. Most Scovonians travel and fight alongside their brothers and sisters in small groups of 3 or 4, with the oldest member being a de facto leader of the group. Humble beginnings. An average mercenary leaves their homeland with no more than a helmet and a sword in their hands. While they are often seen with axes as well, they prefer to use their shortswords for combat.  


Scovonian mercenary groups always have a leader who decided what the group should do. Even if the group consists of only two people, one of them is the leader. The leader is always the oldest member of the group and the others follow their advice without question most of the time.
Privileged. As the leader of the group, Vísiseggr are entitled to the best equipment in the party. They often have the best armor and weapon among them and pass their gear onto the second oldest if something better gets in their hands. Most often they wield a longsword which is highly decorated, but not to the detriment of its effectiveness.  


When the daughter of an Earl or Jarl shows aptitude for combat, they are often made into Skjöldmaers (shield maiden in Scovonian). These women are then trained and raised to be proficient warriors. When they reach adulthood at 16, they are given a small group of warriors who are usually Seggr and sent away to a foreign land, to find fortune and a husband.
Fight for Power. Usually a Skjöldmaer spends a few years serving as a regular mercenary in the lands they chose to travel to and when they find a suitable spouse, they will try to marry them matrinially (which means that their children will bear the name of their mother). This usually involves either a long servitude under a lord and/or their seduction.  


The Eyrekkr (Isle Warrior in Scovonian) are the professional soldiers of Scovony. They always go where their chief goes and often receive their fair share of their chief’s wealth in the form of high quality equipment.
Well Equipped. As professional warriors, they often carry a shield and a sword so they can defend their chief and fight in formation as well as possible. Depending on their chief’s wealth, they can be equipped with the best available armor or a simple helmet.  


Isle warriors who are close to royalty or distinguished themselves amongst their peers can be ’promoted’ to an Eygaetir (Isle Guard in Scovonian). They are better equipped and are usually more experienced than the average eyrekkr.
Overseers. Eygaetir usually serve as commanders or personal bodyguards and as such, usually find themselves without a shield, which would only hinder them. In its absence, they usually opt for better armor which they wear to show their status  


Karldrengr are battle-hardened warriors who are too old to join a mercenary group, but fit enough to serve in this manner. They often wield a sizeable amount of power in their towns, as more often than not, only one Karldrengr lives in each village.
Grandfathers of Many. Karldrengr are well equipped soldiers in times of strife and wise mentors to the young in times of peace. During their service – which lasts until their death – they tutor the young warriors and aspiring priests of their town and give their advice in various matters to their town leaders. In times of war, when most men leave the town to go to battle, the Karldrengr remain to provide help with anything that might require their help.
Elite but Weak. Even though their stature and equipment suggests a powerful warrior, most Karldrengr are no match for an average Seggr in a duel. They are cunning fighters and experienced war veterans, but their age restricts their abilities quite dramatically. Most of them have excellent equipment however and can be a challenge to anyone who underestimates them.  


While the Karldrengr represent the roots and ancient customs of the Scovonian people, the Trúgarpr show the Order’s influence. These men and women are faithful believers of the Order and take up arms to serve as guards for temples or as the sword that strikes down the non-believers.
Uniform. Trúgarpr are priests first and warriors second, but when they are the latter, they usually wear a ceremonial outfit with some added personal flair. Their equipment consists of a shield, fashioned in a way as to look like a gear, a sword and a bright orange tunic. Usually Trúgarpr wear a set of chainmail above their tunic to provide additional protection  


The average Scovonian pirate is also an adept fighter. Unlike their landbound counterparts, Kussari are masters of spears which they use to great effect when assaulting other vessels. While they are usually not wearing much armor, they are still dangerous foes, especially for trading vessels.
Danger Far. While their usage of spears might suggest a melee focus, Kussari usually engage enemies by throwing their weapons at them from a relatively short distance. During boarding, as much as ten spears can be thrown by each Kussari before they climb onto the other ship. These spears are made from a unique, Scovonian tree which is so buoyant, that these spears float even with a steel tip attached to them.  


Scovonian vessels with a less nefarious purpose usually have a number of Farmadr amongst their crew. Despite their name (which means sailor in Scovonian), Farmadr usually don’t get involved with sailing the ship, they are there to guard it. When their ship is assaulted, they usually use tactics similar to how the Kussari attack.
Unlike a Rock. Farmadr are expert swimmers, which is needed as they wear heavy armor upon the decks of ships. In case they fall into the water they usually begin to sink due to their cumbersome armor. Thanks to their training, they are often capable of swimming to the surface and stay there for a few hours. If no rescue is in sight however, they usually get rid of their armor and try to swim to shore if they can.  


Contrary to their names, the Elfdrengr (Elf Warrior in Scovonian) are not actually elves, but highly skilled fighters who represent the best of their warriors. Every Elfdengr was once a young child of a Jarl who was sent to the Elves of Elluin to train with the elves.
Strong and Wise. While training with the elves, they've learnt their language, their combat style as well as their reserved outlook on life. Upon their return, they usually amass a sizeable hoard from their service as mercenaries with the elves, who pay them handsomely for their services.
Advisors. Given their high status as elf-trained warriors as well as the sons of Jarls, they usually serve as personal guards, champions and advisors to the Jarls upon their return home.


While Scovonians are mostly notorious for their abilities at sea, they have other noteworthy achievements as well. One of these is their special one-handed sword, usually called an Ulfbehrt Sword. This relatively simple looking sword is created using a special technique taught to the Scovonians by Elven smiths. Thanks to their creation, these swords are uncharacteristically sharp and durable compared to most weapons created on the Continent. When used together with a shield, Scovonian warriors can usually get the better of their opponents using these weapons.
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  • Brave
  • Aggressive
  • Old


  • Coward
  • Content
  • Lazy


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