Hugelhof Settlement in Trutina | World Anvil
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Hugelhof is a relatively small fortress city built at the bottom of Hugel. The fortification itself stretches up to the top of Hugel, making it one of the longest fortified structures on The Continent.   The city itself isn't remarkable in its size, but it offers most amenities that a traveler of burgher might want to find. The city's most noteworthy attribute is its location. Hugel is dotted with mines and tunnel entrances, each leading into the same, vast tunnel network.   The city is also an adamantine exporter, making the small settlement incredibly wealthy. Whether the source of the adamantine is in Hugel or in one of the mountains of the Trogs, nobody outside of its miners know.   Due to the large sums of money the city acquired from its adamantine trade, it is quite well protected and constructed. Professional mercenaries form the city guard, each outfitted with excellent armor and the building are constructed from hard stone, often ornamented with gold.


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