The Continent Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Continent


The 'humbly' named Continent is the primary landmass of the Order and the home of the most influential human countries in Trutina. It is primarily inhabited by humans and their 'near-kin' (goliaths, dwarves). It is connected to Orkagr, the land of the Orcs and Aitrun, the biggest landmass of the planet.   The Continent has a temperate climate which allowed its inhabitants to prosper and develop. With the Order holding most if its rulers together, the Continent is one of the hardest landmasses to invade, but one of the easiest to earn a living in.   It is filled with forests, rivers, lakes and plains, providing an excellent place for all kinds of animals and peoples to live. The human population is spread throughout the entire landmass and they have made their home quite secure, eliminating most dangerous and hostile creatures, except for some less fearsome predators such as wolves and bears who help to keep pests in check. This doesn't mean that more fierce monsters can't show up, but they are quite rare and are often dealt with relatively quickly.   The Continent is also a place of war, as the various human kingdoms and empires fought over territory, money and faith. Old battlegrounds can be found throughout the landmass, long forgotten and ruined forts dot the landscape in various places and corpse filled caverns mark the bloody history of this area.   Besides the natural and artificial sites all across the Continent, several supernatural locations exist throughout it. Some of these include magical forests, unnatural canyons and rivers that should not exist, but still do. A few examples are the Round River in the Blakfort Kingdom, The Falling Rocks of Procidium in Westatoras and the Endless Steppe in Paladell.  

Scovonian Isles

Not too far from the Northern shores of The Continent lie the Scovonian Isles. This archipelago is home to the hardy folk of Scovony who trade and occasionally raid the kingdoms of The Continent.  

The Mountains of Úar'Gannau

On the Eastern border of the Continent lie the great mountains of Gannau. This mountain range is the boundary between Orkagr and The Continent and is subject to raids from orc tribes constantly.  


The Continent has many powerful kingdoms and empires and as such utilize the surrounding waters heavily.  

The Shallow Sea

The Shallow Sea lies between Aitrun and the Continent and it has a load of small islands in it. It is busy with merchants travelling between The Continent and Sojazira.  

The Elven Seas

As its name suggests, the Elven Seas lie to the West of the Continent, between The Continent, the Darklands and The Elf Lands. The Southern areas of these waters are primarily patrolled by Dark Elf slaver ships, while the Northern areas are populated by human and elven merchants travelling between the Elf Empire and the Continent.  

Frozen Waves

The cold waters to the North of the Continent are all referred to as the Frozen Waves. The Scovonian Isles lie in the Frozen Waves and as such mostly populated by its people.  

The Laughing Sea

The Eastern part of the continent is bordered by The Laughing Sea, a giant expanse of water with unforgiving weather and the dangerous landmass of Mortoram across it making it quite empty.


  • The Continent
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