Kaos Character in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Betrayer God, The Caretaker of Souls, The World-Forger (a.k.a. Uteus)

Kaos is the Chaos God of Chaos, Betrayal and Power (and Individuality). He is the original betrayer who abandoned the ways of Order and created the Plane of Chaos because he thought himself more important than the Great Mechanism.  


Because it is strictly forbidden to make images of Kaos, his appearance is not agreed upon. In the Tenets, however there are texts that suggest that he wears armor similarly to a warrior and carries a sword ever since his betrayal.  


Kaos is most commonly represented by a broken cog/gear. It is not uncommon to see only one half of the 'original' gear to further differentiate the symbol from that of Machina's.  


Kaos is worshipped by various heretical religions and as such, many people serve him directly. In addition, various chaos demons obey his command.  


Despite his betrayal and shunning, Kaos is inside everyone via their souls, which he created and rules over. Using their souls, Kaos can manipulate and directly control people with weak minds, leading them into wretched and selfish behaviors.   Kaos in Stories of the Gods

Associated Colors

Orange, Purple
Divine Classification

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