
In the world of Trutina

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(The following story was deemed heretical by the Probare in 213 AU)

The Blackbird

Once upon a time, there was a blackbird that lived in a lovely clearing with the other birds. The blackbird was lonely and sad, as he was ashamed of his black color, while all the other birds were colorful.

One day, Kaos arrived at the clearing and said to the birds:
- I'd like a friend, who would sing while I'm resting and whom I would reward with worms and oats and seeds.
But the birds all had friends, so none of them volunteered. The blackbird hid in one of the bushes, thinking that Kaos would not want him as a friend. Gods don't like black birds, they like colorful birds. As none of the birds wanted to be his friend, Kaos went home sad. Some of the birds told him to come back next week, maybe then a bird will show up, who wants to be his friend.

The blackbird decided to visit a nearby painter's home and paint himself. He thought that greenfinches have lots of friends and Kaos must be looking for such a bird. So the blackbird found the painter's green paint and painted himself from beak to tail. He didn't do a very good job, as he only used one paint and even painted his beak and legs green.

Next week, Kaos came back looking for a friend and the blackbird (or greenbird) proudly stepped forward and said that he wanted to be his friend. All the birds started laughing and asked what kind of bird he is supposed to be.

-You look like a cucumber bird, a cucumbird - joked one of the greenfinches.

The blackbird started crying and Kaos said to him: I'm sorry, but I was looking for a different type of bird.

Kaos left without a friend once again, even sadder than last time. The blackbird thought to himself: What was I thinking? I only used one type of green, but a greenfinch has multiple types of green. Also, I painted my legs and beak, which are not even green on a greenfinch. Next time, I'll do a better job.

So the blackbird went back to the paints. This time, he wanted to become a sandhill crane. His skills didn't improve much compared to the last time, but he had a brown body, a white neck and even painted his forehead a vibrant red. But the green paint bled through the white and his proportions were all wrong. That being said, he was certain that he had done a great job.

Another week passed and Kaos returned, looking for a friend. The blackbird once again stepped forward and said to Kaos that he will be his friend. Kaos was confused and asked the blackbird what kind of bird he is supposed to be.

- I am a sandhill crane, as you can see - answered the blackbird.
- You don't look like any of my kind - interjected an actual crane - you are way too small to be a crane and your neck is all mossy.

Kaos looked at the blackbird and said: I'm sorry, but I was looking for a different type of bird.

Kaos left without a friend once again. The blackbird didn't give up and flew to the painter's house once again. He'll paint himself a golden oriole this time. They are prettier and have a much more beautiful song than him. Kaos will surely want to be his friend then. This time, the blackbird did a fantastic job, only the most perceptive person could spot the ruse. 

Next week, Kaos returned looking for a friend and the blackbird stepped forward. This time, none of the birds were suspicious, except for the oriole.

- Sing for us - said the oriole to the blackbird.
- No, I won't sing - answered the blackbird as he knew that he could not sing as well as he looked.
- I'm sorry, but I was looking for a different type of bird - said Kaos.

The blackbird was devastated and asked Kaos what type of bird was he looking for.
- I saw a lovely bird here a few weeks ago who had magnificent black feathers and an orange beak. His song was what drew me to this clearing. I thought that he would be the perfect friend. I think he was called a blackbird - answered the warrior.

The blackbird started crying and his tears rained upon his painted feathers. When Kaos asked the blackbird why he was crying, he told Kaos that he was the blackbird. At first, the birds didn't believe him as his disguise was so convincing, but his tears began to wash away the yellows and whites and greens and his magnificent black feathers started showing again.

- I know, you silly bird - said Kaos with a big smile - I just wanted a friend who is not afraid to be himself. He picked him up and washed him in a nearby stream, but the paint was really hard to clean off.

- Will it ever come off? - asked the blackbird as they were going back to the Kaos's home.
- I'm sure - answered Kaos and then he became said, because he realized that he would have had a friend for weeks if the blackbird didn't paint himself.

(The following story was deemed heretical by the Probare in 10 AU)

The World Forger

From the love of Ostinatos and Machina, Uteus was born. He was made to make the Great Mechanism better, and that is what he set out to do. Whilst his creators were busy maintaining the cogs of Order, Uteus had time to think. He was able to modify the parts of the Great Mechanism, but to what end? It seemed to him that not even the elder gods, Semernos and Enequila knew the reason and purpose of the Great Mechanism. It is said to be working towards a utopia, but there was no being to witness it.

Uteus decided to change that. He would force the Order to create living, feeling beings that would benefit from their eventual utopia. He set his plan into motion and began to make slight alterations to the Great Mechanism that would eventually lead to the production of life. The 'defenses' of Order were restless however and foiled most of his plans even though the gods themselves didn't know about it. With his plans failing, he decided on another route. He would sacrifice his own flesh and blood to create a new world that would be inhabited by his children who could appreciate the utopia that the Great Mechanism was trying to achieve. As a creation of Order, he could not damage himself, nor would other gods hurt him without reason, so he needed to force the other gods to fight him. He began sabotaging the Great Mechanism, until his work could no longer be ignored.

He knew that if he just let the gods strike him down, the newly created world would be easily destroyed and his work would be lost, so he needed a drawn out fight. He made his own son, Sinistos, who would be able to outwit the gods of Order and strive to defeat them. He did not want to kill the other gods however, so he deliberately made Sinistos weaker than he could have been. The battle ensued and after hundreds of years of fighting, the new world was created from the blood and sweat of Uteus. When he saw that Trutina could no longer be squashed, he gave up and accepted his fate. 

What he did not expect however, was the mercy he was given by the gods. They banished him and his creations to a separate realm as punishment, where he would spend the rest of his days, contemplating his actions. They named this realm Chaos, where nothing would remain the same as none of the Order's strict laws would apply that Uteus could manipulate to get out. Deep down he knew however that this realm could not contain him, as every living being in Trutina was born of his blood and his actions would lead to them enjoying the utopia that the Order would bar them from.

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Mar 23, 2023 21:46

Beautiful stories!