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Lycanthropy is a curse that originates from Volublectyth, the elven Moon Goddess.   Those afflicted can transform into either a wolf or a semi-humanoid hybrid wolf form. Whilst the afflicted is in moonlight, they can transform at will into either form, but during a full moon, they lose control of themselves and are forced to transform into their hybrid form. Regardless of whether or not they willingly transformed, a werewolf can not turn back into their original form as long as they are in moonlight.   Werewolves are quite rare as there is only one way someone can become one. When a person driven by hunger decides to kill an animal with their bare hands to eat it under a full moon, they become a werewolf as Volublectyth curses them for killing an animal.   A werewolf undergoes a number of changes after they become one. In their human form, they begin to grow an excessive amount of body hair, unusual for their species. Women may grow beards, men might grow hair on their forehead or nose and so on. This growth is subtle and can be counteracted by regularly cutting it off or shaving, but it can not be stopped permanently until cured of the curse.
A werewolf also has an increased hunger, particularly for fresh meat. Whilst this does not hinder the intelligence or self-control of the afflicted, it can allude to their curse.
A positive change that comes with the curse is their quick regenerative ability. Similarly to a troll's ability to quickly recover from injuries, a werewolf can heal from any injury within seconds or minutes in more severe cases. A commonly known weakness of werewolves is silver, which stops this regenerative process. A werewolf can also choose to delay their regeneration while they are conscious, allowing them to evade easy testing methods such as small cuts. A werewolf can recover from any injury, even if it is lethal. The only way to kill a werewolf is to mortally wound them with a silver weapon or other, similar magical effects.     In their wolf form, a werewolf retains its mental abilities, but it is restricted by their form in their capabilities. Regular wolves seem to be able to differentiate between other wolves and a werewolf in their wolf form and tend to avoid them or outright attack them. This ability seems to be present in dogs as well, but to a lesser extent. Dogs are afraid of werewolves and often run away from them. This canine ability only applies to a werewolf's animal form and not their human form.   In their hybrid form, a werewolf inherits the best abilities of both of their other forms. They are able to think like a human, run as fast as a wolf and so on. While in their hybrid form, a werewolf is also more resistant to damage. In this form, a werewolf can not speak.   If forced to transform into werewolf by a full moon, a werewolf loses their personality and becomes extremely hostile towards anything it perceives to be living and/or made of flesh. The werewolf attacks any such creature and eats them if they are not full. If they have feasted enough, they drag the corpses back to their home or a suitable hiding location.    
I was traveling through the dense forest, my sword and shield at the ready. I was on a mission to deliver an important message to the king, and time was of the essence. As I was making my way through the thick underbrush, I heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. I quickly drew my sword, ready to face whatever was coming my way. Suddenly, a large, snarling creature burst out of the bushes and charged at me. I quickly realized that it was a werewolf, its fur bristling and its teeth bared. I raised my shield, preparing to deflect its attack.     The werewolf was fast and powerful, and I struggled to keep up with its movements. Its claws raked across my shield, leaving deep gouges in the metal. I swung my sword at the beast, hoping to land a solid blow.     But the werewolf was too quick, and it dodged my attack with ease. It circled around me, its eyes blazing with fury. I knew that I was no match for it in a one-on-one fight.     Suddenly, a group of elves appeared out of nowhere, their arrows flying towards the werewolf. The beast howled in pain as the arrows struck home, and it turned to face its new attackers.     I took the opportunity to make my escape, running as fast as I could through the forest. I could hear the werewolf's angry growls echoing behind me, but I didn't dare look back.     After what felt like hours of running, I finally stumbled out of the forest and into a clearing. I collapsed to the ground, panting and sweating. I knew that I had narrowly escaped death at the hands of the werewolf, and I was grateful for the elves who had come to my aid.   From that day on, I made sure to travel with a group whenever I journeyed through the forest. I knew that the werewolf was still out there, waiting for its next victim. But I was determined not to let it be me.
- Hans van Hugel


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