Machina Character in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Machine Goddess

Machina is the Order Goddess of the Machines, Automation and the creator of the Machinists. She gives her power to the temples of the Order, which protects them and provides their iconic sounds.  


She is rarely depicted as a person, but when she is, her form is most often that of a muscular woman.

In the Old Faith, she appears as a person more often however. According to their beliefs, Machina is a beautiful young woman with a sharp, angular face. Her skin is often described as golden or brass or sometimes yellow. Her lips and eyes are purple. Her hair is seldom talked about, but she is most often depicted as a brunette.
She often wears white robes or dresses.

Like other gods in the Old Faith, she can and does shapeshift often, often assuming the form of a little girl.  


As the patron of mechanisms, she is represented by a cog/gear. In rare cases, most often as a result of insufficient skill by the artist, her symbol is reduced to a circle.

In the Old Faith, Machina's bird form is the cuckoo, a small bird that has a very recognizable sound. While the bird itself is rarely used as a symbol of Machina, its sound is often used to allude to the goddess.  


As a member of the Order Pantheon, all followers of the Order also serve her. She makes and commands all demons of the Order. On the material plane, every magical construct and automaton can be commanded by her.  


She has the power to enable or disable mechanisms on the Material Plane, usually as a sign of good will or as judgement enacted on behalf of Enequila.   In the Old Faith, she has quite a wide range of abilities, such as controlling animals and plants, creating illusions and influencing the workings of everyday objects. Some common manifestations of her powers are wrecking mills, blunting blades and moving puddles under people's feet.

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Divine Classification

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