Prime Church of the Blakfort Kingdom Organization in Trutina | World Anvil
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Prime Church of the Blakfort Kingdom

The Blakfort Kingdom follows the The Church of Order. The religion is rather decentralized however and each country has its own Prime Church which is independent of the rest. Each Prime Church is led by a Primas, who is appointed by the ruler.  


Whilst the Primas is responsible for enacting and enforcing new religious laws across the realm, in practice they are much less influential than one might think. Every temple has their own priests, who are at the lowest level of their hierarchy. When a temple is larger and has at least 10 priests, one of them is promoted to Arch Priest by the Primas.   Whilst the Primas is usually living in a cathedral or temple, they are not the Arch Priests of that temple. The Primas is independent of all temples and has authority over all of them.   Similarly to other Prime Churches, the Primas technically has authority over the Probare if they choose to travel to their realm, but this power is almost never used, as the Probare is the spiritual leader of their religion.
Religious, Organised Religion
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