Semernos Character in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Time God (a.k.a. Shemerno)

Semernos is the Order God of Time, Causation and Consequences. He is the first of the gods of Order and the most powerful. He controls the flow of time in the plane of Order and as such, the Material Plane also. He is responsible for keeping time flowing and he punishes all who attempt to meddle with time.  


Semernos is often described as an elderly man in ostentatious robes. He is most often depicted in a sphere made from gears with his wife, Enequila.  


As the Time God, Semernos is often drawn with an hourglass in his left hand. While this is the most common icon associated with him, other time-keeping devices can be used to refer to him.  


As a member of the Order Pantheon, all followers of the Order also serve him. Many otherworldly entities serve him as well, however. Besides 'regular' demons that hail from the plane of Order, the 'Inevitables' are said to follow Semernos' command.  


Semernos is the God of Time, and so his powers include time control and manipulation in addition to superhuman wisdom and foresight.   Semernos in Stories of the Gods

Associated Colors

Royal Blue, Cobalt
Divine Classification

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