
Japanese Goddess of Knowledge and Nightmare

Elan content adapted for Tsuwamono from Erebus (Shajad) in the Anima: Beyond Fantasy Core Rulebook

(a.k.a. 思兼)


Omoikane is a goddess of wisdom and intelligence, but also one of dreams, fear, and the night. She is often called upon by the other gods of Takamagahara to give counsel on their decisions, and is known for her excellent advice and expansive knowledge.   In her aspect as a goddess of magic, she is venerated by many ancient spellcasters, especially as a symbol of dark, forbidden knowledge. Omoikane has been known to appear in the dreams of those who worship her, and grant them knowledge, but such experiences are uniformly terrifying nightmares. Few mortals seek her counsel twice.   Those who have received her visions describe Omoikane as a girl with dark hair and darker eyes who is always accompanied by a fearsome wolf.

Divine Domains

Fear, Knowledge, Magic, Nightmares

Temple Bonuses

Spells cast as rituals, lasting at least an hour, in a province with a shrine to Omoikane grant a bonus to the intelligence of the caster for calculating the maximum power of the spell, with no increase to Zeon cost, as determined by the level of the temple.   Level 1: +1 INT
Level 2:
+2 INT
Level 3:
+5 INT  

List of Blessings

Supernatural Knowledge: The bearer of this gift develops an innate knowledge about the supernatural world. They gain a special bonus to the Occult secondary ability equal to their total Elan level.
Cost: 5 | Requirements: Elan 10   Frightful Presence: A frightful aura grows around the bearer of this gift, allowing him or her to more easily intimidate others. The holder gains a special bonus to their Intimidate secondary ability equal to their total Elan level.
Cost: 5 | Requirements: Elan 20   Path of Nightmares: The holder of this gift may provoke nightmares in others. He or she may inflict dark and terrible dreams on any sleeping target they can see, but may not control the content of these dreams.
Cost: 5 | Requirements: Elan 30   Dream Whisperer: A character with this blessing may communicate with others in their sleep by transmitting messages straight into another sleeper's subconscious. Messages may be sent to a specified individual, or in general, to be picked up by any receptive slumbering mind.
Cost: 10 | Requirements: Elan 40   Natural Mystic: Characters bearing this gift are so acclimatized to the mystical world that they are able to cast some spells naturally, without requiring knowledge of them or even possessing The Gift. The holder of this blessing gains a total of twice their total Elan level in bonus Zeon points, and may use this to cast any Free Access spell with a level equal to or lower than their Elan score. The power of such spells is determined by the character's intelligence as usual.
Cost: 15 | Requirements: Elan 50   Supernatural Influx: Dark communion with Omoikane enhances the character's supernatural abilities. They gain an additional 2 points to either their Power or Willpower, at the character's discretion. These extra points ignore the normal limits on characteristics imposed by lack of Inhumanity or Zen.
Cost: 10 | Requirements: Elan 60   Dream Walker: The bearer of this gift may slip their pereception into people's dreams and freely observe others' oneiric universes. In order to use this ability, the character must first physically contact the target. After that, they may access the other's dreams as many times as they wish, provided the subject in question is asleep and dreaming.
Cost: 10 | Requirements: Elan 60   Cardinal Fear: Use of this gift allows the bearer to inflict the essence of untamed, primal fear upon a victim. The target of this ability must make an MR or PhR check against a difficulty of 140 or immediately suffer the Terror state. In addition, the user may choose to affect the subject with either blindness, extreme pain, or a curse of death that activates and kills the character in a seemingly accidental fashion within 24 hours. In whichever case, an affected victim develops a severe phobia of darkness, pain, or their own mortality, respectively. A target who successfully resists this ability three times becomes permanently immune.
Cost: 20 | Requirements: Elan 70   Supernatural Enhancement: Omoikane's dark influence increases the potency of the character's supernatural abilities. Any spell or psychic ability that requires the target to roll a resistance check has that check's difficulty increased by 20.
Cost: 15 | Requirements: Elan 80   Absolute Fear: The user may call absolute, inexplicable terror upon a target. A victim of this ability is put into an automatic Fear state for an hour, with no resistance check allowed. Only creatures immune to fear are exempt from this ability. In addition, an affected target must also make an MR or PsyR check with a difficulty of 140 or immediately have their body and soul obliterated by pure terror. This ability may only be used once on any given individual, after which they become immune to its effects.
Cost: 10 | Requirements: Elan 90, Cardinal Fear   Demiurge: Omoikane's chosen becomes as a god within the realm of dreams. While within any dream, he or she becomes equivalent to a creature of Gnosis 45 or +5 Gnosis (whichever is higher), with all the benefits this entails. The user is also considered to have Zen, and receives a total of 5 CP to distribute as he or she sees fit. The powers granted by this ability vanish when returning to the material world.
Cost: 10 | Requirements: Elan 100  

Sample Elan Modifiers

Elan Below 50

Delving into the world of the supernatural: +2
Facing and overcoming terror: +3
Exhibiting a fascination with fear: +5
Being a dreamer who lives in a fantasy world: +5
Mastering a supernatural discipline: +10

Elan Above 50:

Living between reality and fantasy: +2
Casting spells which manipulate dreams: +2
Using fear as a tool: +2
Mastering one's own fears: +5
Devoting one's life to the study of the occult: +8


Neglecting an opportunity to advance in the occult: -2
Not having dreams or desires: -5
Abandoning one's dreams: -10
General Rank
General Type
Divine Classification
Current Residence
Light or dark purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair or black as night
Aligned Organization

Articles under Omoikane

Character Portrait image: 赤ずきん大師匠 by やまかわ


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