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“The ship sails into port and the captain disembarks. He carries an ornate sword with a hilt made of shells and a blade the same colour as his skin, silver.“

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Argun are four-armed humanoids with scaly skin and eyes that are circular and red. Their appendages are webbed to allow for faster swimming. Their skin is normally silver and rather than growing hair, they have a frilled crest on top of their heads. Rather than having a nose, they have two vertical slits where their nose would normally be. Their ears resemble those of elves and they grow horns made of silica that curve downward towards their chin.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Argun society is very similar to Humans and other common races. Islands are each ruled by a Duke and each Dukedom is recognized as a republic under Urthallian rule. Each of the islands make up one seat of the Argunan Senate, which consists of 41 seats. The larger Islands of Balva, Fueda, Orisca, and Alriba are ruled by Triaxian Paragons, and therefore do not adhere to Argunan Senate.   The Argunan Senate also elects an Elder Senator, the head of the senate and the ceremonial ambassador to the rest of Urthallia. The Elder Senator also acts as the leader of all the Dukedoms, but his powers are largely ceremonial.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Argun culture is largely focused around the sea, sailing, and honor. The most ambitious Argun often strive to become captains of large vessels while most become regular sailors or fishermen. Nearly all Argun cities have ports or harbours and often a city will have a section of buildings that are floating on the water. This is where the rich and prestigious often reside. Naturally, there is still work on land that must be done, so some Argun become shipbuilders, craftsmen, or do other work that isn’t necessarily focused around the sea but still benefits their Dukedom.   Argun value honor above all else personality wise. Even the worst marauders among them wouldn’t try to undermine an opponent in a duel or try to win without giving the opposition a chance. Argun tend to stay lawful, but have no trend of being good or evil.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Argun religion isn’t focused around traditional gods in a pantheon, but rather focuses on worship of Sea Serpents, Aquatic Wyverns, and other aquatic beasts. They see these creatures as connected to the sea and think them to be the embodiment of sailing. Argun crews will often sacrifice a dolphin at the beginning of each month to ensure good luck while on the sea. At the beginning of each summer, a festival is held in honor of Bythoras, the King of Sea Serpents. This festival consists of continuous feasts, games, and ship races until the eventual scuttling of a decorative ship which marks the end of celebrations.   Argun often craft their weapons out of shells and their armor out of fish bones and cloth. The quality and origin of the bones is used to show achievements and rank. The more dangerous the creature, the more you are respected.


The Argun are an elegant race of seafarers and sailors alike. They are island-dwellers and are found in the smaller landmasses in the Southern Archipelago. Argun are great sailors and take pride in their ships and crew.
Scientific Name
Homo aquas
90 years
Average Height
2.0 - 2.6 meters
Average Weight
180 - 220 lbs


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