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The despot must be of noble birth and must be an heir chosen from a noble family before the death of the current despot.


The despot is appointed upon the death of the previous despot through a festival-like ceremony and a coronation by a Coitist high priest.


The despot must maintain ultimate rule over the Kingdom of Qeringia, leading it in geopolitics, lawmaking, and economy, while remaining loyal to its oligarchy of nobility.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The despot cannot be removed under any means, as the despot's word is law. The despot can be usurped, though it has never happened in the past.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
still in effect
This title was created upon the formation of the Kingdom of Qeringia upon the wishes of the newly-united nobility for a strong leader who would represent their interests.
Form of Address
The Great Leader
Equates to
This title is similar in power to King, Karask, Grand Magister, High Prince, Grand Duke, or Sultan.
Source of Authority
The nobility of Qeringia praise and affirm the despot to their people in return for political favors and governmental favoritism towards their interests.
Length of Term
until death.
Current Holders
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