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The only requirement of the gradash is to be of familial relation to the previous gradash.


One is raised to this rank by a coronation ceremony which takes place in the town square of Gradovid.


The gradash must lead the city of Gradovid and its surrounding land in national and international matters.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The gradash can be removed upon a vote of dissatisfaction held yearly by the population of Gradovid. If the percentage of dissatisfied populace is over 60%, then the gradash is removed from office and his closest kin, who is of age, is given the title.
Nobility, Hereditary
This title was created upon the independence of Gradovid from the Tundruskan Empire due to its involvement with the Obohr Revolt and its lack of allegiance to any other nation in the Obohrlansk.
Equates to
This title is of similar power to a Baron, Local Magister, Sahib, or Maire.
Source of Authority
The gradash of Gradovid is given power by the people of Gradovid who entrust the gradash to make national decisions for them.
Length of Term
until death
First Holder
Current Holders
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