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Iblynans are native to the land around Birkelev and Lidus. They have pale-skin with blonde hair and grayish blue eyes.


Major language groups and dialects

Iblynans, like many of the other cultures found in the North Riftlands, naturally speak Tundruskan, the most widespread language in the world.

Culture and cultural heritage

Iblynan society revolves around artisanship, specifically brewing, and farming. They will often take great pride in their work or craft but won’t boast about it. Their daily life is often simple and filled with work, but after their work is done, Iblynans won’t refrain from general celebration, drinking, or games. Iblynans are superstitious people, and take the religious stories and actions from Tundruskan Religion far more seriously than most other people. A brewer will often create a wonderful drink just to discard it due to a minor omen that may occur just after its creation. Farmers may plant a different crop due to the predictions of local priests. Iblynans value religion greatly, and it is rare to see one denounce the pantheon. They also celebrate holidays that are obscure, unrecognized, or unique to their region in extraordinary ways.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Iblynan holidays include Brautest, a holiday started in honor of the grand wine trade that comes from Lidus which consists of a week of drinking, dances, and brewing contests, and Dav, a celebratory day on the beginning of the wine harvest season celebrated with games and the gifting of the title of Winemaster to the best Winery in the Iblast Republic. The Iblynans celebrate some national holidays differently than other cultures. Dreskor, the remembrance of the deaths of the fallen during the Rift War is celebrated through a 3 day long festival consisting of intense prayer, rituals, and the sacrifice of a container of wine from each winery, and the national holiday of Joasi, the day celebrating Olaf’s union of the tribes which is celebrated through rituals, outdoor banquets, and athletic games.

Major organizations

They control Birkelev and Lidus through the Iblast Republic, part of the larger Tundruskan Empire. Iblynans are treated well by the Tundruskan government. Their republic is often given large amounts of gold and aid due to its production of wine, textiles, and glasswork and shows the signs of heavy government efforts through its infrastructure. Due to these reasons and general enjoyment of the Empire’s Policies, Iblynans are generally pro-empire and their nobles have levied large amounts of soldiers to aid the war against the Obohr Revolt.


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