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Kalo Yulini

Kalo Tonias Yulini

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A runic arrow acts as Kalo's main divine symbol.


Kalo's followers are few, and are mostly comprised of the families of his warband and their descendants. Due to his lack of worship, his holy day, the same day as his death, is rarely celebrated.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

In dire situations, Kalo may aid heroes in survival or increase their chances of success but after his aid comes, a sacrifice of a physical belonging or another person must be made to him.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Kalo is a tall man with sun-kissed skin and dull black hair. His face is angular and covered in scars from the injuries he obtained in battle.

Apparel & Accessories

Kalo is normally found wearing a set of ornamental Lamellar Armor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kalo was born to a seamstress in Lavaria and an unknown father who he later found out to be Rokan after his ascension to the lesser ranks of the pantheon. As a demigod, Kalo was found to be far stronger and smarter than most of his compatriots, with some accounts going as far to say he could bend a steel rod in half with one hand. He used his strength and tactical knowledge as an adventurer, as his impoverished life in the slums of Lavaria seemed a waste of his superior skills and attributes. Kalo founded a band of mercenaries known as the Wraiths of Urthallia. One evening when Kalo was resting, he heard whispers beckoning him to follow as well as an unearthly urge to follow them. He was led to a clearing in which a scale made of stone was balancing two items, his mother’s cloak and a flail. Accounts state that Kalo sat down and prayed for three nights, asking the gods what the scale meant. In the end, Kalo grabbed the flail and the rest of the scale vanished, along with the cloak. This is seen as his transition from his mundane past into his path of heroism. The choice was presented by Rokan as is done to all of his children to become normal or enter the harrowing and dangerous path to ascension. Those who choose the past lose all memory of the scale and become mundane people, with no overly special qualities.    Kalo would continue adventuring until the Rift War, in which he and his warband would be hired to aid the Urthallian armies.




Kalo was the leader of a small band of mercenaries hired to reinforce the heavy losses imposed upon the Urthallian army during the Rift War. Kalo was a bold man, with unpredictable tactics and strategies that were unheard of in his time. His tactical knowledge allowed his promotion to the spot of Maritus in the Urthallian army.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In the mountains east of Lavaria, the Devil Barnabas and his legions had risen from the sea and landed on the Sanguine Coast. Kalo and his company gave their lives defending the city for 3 months in the narrow passages of the Irinese Mountain range. In the fighting, it is claimed that Kalo and Barnabas dueled each other for 3 days and 3 nights before Barnabas fell to Kalo’s flail. Kalo’s death came soon after, with the exhaustion of his company due to the endless combat.   Kalo would later ascend from the Mountain of the Brilliant to the Urthallian Pantheon after discovering his father’s identity due to the deeds he had done while in Tundrusk. Kalo became the God of Sacrifice and is forever embedded in the pantheon.
Divine Classification
Ascended Hero
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Born as a demigod due to Rokan.
dull black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 2''
180 lbs
Known Languages
common, ancient Urthallian, celestial


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