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“A man walked into the tavern, he had eight horns on his head and pure white eyes. His skin was a shade of orange and he had a stern look on his face. He wore heavy plate armor and carried an ornate broadsword. It was the nicest sword I’d ever seen” -Rilas Ulfborn

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Monnaites are varied in appearance and there are multiple subraces each with different appearances. Common features include 8 horns running down the top and back of the head in 2 rows and hairless bodies.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Monnaite society is organized and often finds itself in districts of Orxian cities or in separate communities in the Grobas Desert. Each town is normally headed by a Consul who is considered the best diplomat in the surrounding area. Every 10 years, the skills of diplomats in the area are tested and the best is chosen. Monnaite communities that aren’t separate are integrated into the cultures around them and while the idea of being the best at a trade is still present, other cultural ideas are void. They may even pursue a trade for a completely different reason or not pursue one at all.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Monnaites are an ambitious and creative people as they confine themselves to one occupation and try to be the best at it. They’ll often go on dangerous quests or journeys in order to get that one last material to craft their magnum opus.   Monnaite religion revolves around gods who watch over the Monnaites that pursue each trade. Some gods are more popular and powerful than others, like Ezekiel, The God of Merchants, and Dariel, The God of Artisans. Gods watch over general categories rather than specifics, so you wouldn’t find a god of potion Brewing, but there is a god of alchemy.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Monnaites who live separately are very charitable and not materialistic. They see gold as an added bonus and pursue their trade for the purpose of perfecting it rather than wealth. This is different with integrated Monnaites. They may have a number of reasons for perfecting their trade or may not even have a trade.   Monnaites who adventure are either those who pursue adventuring or leadership as their trade, are out to get inspiration for their trade, are out to find an item or material for their trade, or are integrated Monnaites who pursue glory, wealth, or another goal through adventure.


The Monnaites are a diverse race of many cultures and walks of life. From strong warriors to skillful artisans, Monnaites are dedicated to a skill or occupation and are determined to be the best at it. This often leads to bitter competition and rivalry.   Monnaites are an ancient Tundruskan race hailing from the Grobas Desert in Orxiah. Their muscular figures and tough skin protect them from the dangerous creatures and weather of the scorched desert.
Scientific Name
Geode infernus
200 years
Average Height
1.9 - 2.5 meters
Average Weight
180 - 230 lbs


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