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Suln'vkr and Dimensional Physics

Suln’vkr The sun of the planet of Tundrusk is actually the great primordial being Suln’vkr in his existential form. He uses this form to create and manipulate time and events on the planet of Tundrusk while also watching over his children, the gods and spirits of the world. He is all knowing and wise. In fact, Suln’vkr created the first light in the known universe as well as causing the creation of magic by unleashing some of his immense power after entering this final form. Him reaching this form also caused the planet of Tundrusk to be created from the lost mass from his most powerful form. Legend says if Suln’vkr were to wake up, immense heat would cause Tundrusk to erupt in flames and all magic would become innate, including the magical artifacts used to stop the portal to the lower dimensions embedded in the Rift from reopening.   Suln’vkr is also responsible for creating the system of dimensions, both upper and lower, that houses deities both good and evil. These dimensions were created after he shed his powerful form and excess mass was used to create the planes in each dimension. The Material Plane is in the center of these dimensions along with all the other semi-mortal planes. The further down one goes, the stronger and more evil beings are and vice versa. The 1st upper dimension overlaps with the Eternal Tree and Mountain of the Brilliant and serves as a home for great heroes and demigods. Lesser deities tend to be in the 2nd dimension and greater deities tend to live in the 3rd and 4th dimensions depending on the size of their following. Devils live in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th lower dimensions while demons reside in the 2nd and 1st lower dimensions. Dimensions higher or lower than these mentioned hold beings of great power and influence. Anything past the 15th upper or lower dimension tends to not deal with mortals. Anything above the 50th is incomprehensible to gods let alone mortals.   As one rises or falls in dimension, depending on upper or lower, the power of the beings within exponentially increase. Suln’vkr is both the top and bottom of the dimensional diagram as he is a true neutral deity and the most powerful of all. The common model used to diagram the dimensions is a ring shape with the material planes one one side and Suln’vkr on the other. The upper and lower dimensions then extend in a ring like fashion connecting all the planes in a circular shape. Dimensional Scientists are using new found information from the Rift War and the Devils that attacked us to aid in piecing together the way that these planes interact and the entities and characteristics of each plane. Dimensions 1-5 both upper and lower are well documented and their traits appear to be fairly straight forward. Details about further dimensions are hazy and the beings which reside in them are unknown to most people. Current academies leading this research include the Stonehurst Academy of Dimensional Physics and the Orsican School of Dimensional Theory.


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