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Basic Information


Tieflings are bipedal humanoids, with most of their anatomy and morphology similar to that of humans. The main differences are quite apparent and visible as tieflings grow two horns from the top of their head and have eyes that lack pupils and are typically all one color. A tiefling's horns can be of many shapes and sizes, but often resemble that of demons and are typically of a similar color to the tiefling's skin. Sometimes, tieflings can have horns made of various crystals, typically of a pink or purple color. This seems to be a dominant gene found in a few tieflings whose familial lines derive from the upper class of the Amethyst Vortex. Tieflings also have long, thick tails which extend four to five feet from their bodies and have triangular tips in a demonic fashion.  

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Tiefling names often include names greco-roman in nature. Some example names of male tieflings are Echemus, Lycomedes, Leon, Krateros, and Cordius. Example female names include names such as Niobe, Ino, Corythia, Barria, and Milonia. Many tiefling last names are derived from the names of their demonic overlords, so many tieflings will have surnames that relate or are similar to Barnabas, Jargaros, and Kilmounia, among others.

Major Organizations

Tieflings are not at the head of any major political organizations due to the public stigma against them and other demon-kin. There are a few underground organizations that have tiefling members, but most of these are criminal organizations who have no care for the politics of having tiefling among their members.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most tieflings nowadays speak the language of the nation they reside in as well as common, but in the times of their initial entrance and exile to the mortal plane, most tieflings only spoke infernal, a result of their unfortunate circumstances under the demon lords of the lower dimensions. This leads to many tieflings to use certain infernal sayings while speaking common or any other language.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Most of tiefling culture is derived by the community and people around them, as they are outcasts in the mortal plane who are typically found in small urban communities. Many tieflings take up the religion of the people around them and accept many of those people's customs into their life. Tieflings are typically found in the poorer communities of towns and cities, leading many to take up jobs of labor or crime. This poor lifestyle has also taught the tiefling people to be self-reliant and slow to trust, but once they trust another person, that trust is rarely broken. Tieflings know that they have to make their own way in the world and that they have to be strong to survive.


Tieflings are thought to have originally been a sort of slave-race native to the lower dimensions who were enslaved by demonic overlords in order to form their armies and labor force. Many theories believe that tieflings originally found the Amethyst Vortex as their home, but after the plane's destruction at the hands of the demon lord Barnabas, the tieflings were enslaved by the lower dimensions. During the Rift War, many of the tiefling slaves were forced into military service by their demon overlords, leading to their entrance onto the mortal plane. Tiefling lives were almost worthless to their demonic overlords, and thus many of the tieflings sent to the mortal plane were killed in the ensuing combat.   When the rift was closed, all the demon lords and their demonic minions were banished to the lower dimensions, but the tieflings were not forced out of the mortal plane for, at the time, an unknown reason. The tieflings were stuck in the mortal plane, freed from their slavery but forced into coexisting with those who wished to kill them and force them out of the mortal plane. It took nearly three hundred years for tieflings to be understood as separate from their demonic superiors and for them to be accepted into society as citizens of Tundrusk. Even eight hundred years after the Rift War, tieflings are still seen in a negative light by some due to their involvement in the war, whether voluntary or not. Today, tieflings can be found throughout Tundrusk, but the highest concentrations are found in towns and cities near the Rift.
110 years
Average Height
5' 5'' to 5' 8''
Average Weight
150 to 180 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tieflings can have skin of various colors, from human skin tones to various whites, reds, blues, and purples.


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