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Culture and cultural heritage

Yennians are a group of pale-skinned, red-headed people who come from the Yenya Valley. They are fairly short, have sharp noses, and have green eyes. The Yenya Valley is currently part of Obohrlansk but a large portion of Yennians live in the Southern Riftlands, controlled by Tundrusk. These people are often pro-independence and side with the Obohrs on a lot of political issues.   The Yennians are an interesting group of people, for they are often magically inclined from birth, whether it be sorcery or simply a better ability to learn magic. They are often pessimistic but are kind to those that don’t anger or insult them through actions or words. They make great scholars, tacticians, or warriors and many notable generals have been Yennian in descent. They also believe in their own pantheon of gods, with the only common god between their pantheon and Tundrusk’s being Trossil.   Yennians tend to take on a range of jobs, and often live in small communities across the Yenya Valley. The few that live in larger cities are often isolated and far from large groups of their people. Nobles of Yennian descent are rare, and those who still exist are often pro-Obohrlansk.   Yennians are anti-empire due to the abuse and negligence they recieved from the Empire in the past. When Olaf invaded the Obohrlansk region, he refused to give them a republic due to the large amounts of combat and fighting between the Ylarins and the Yennians. This led to an independence movement that was popular in the valley but ended with a swift and bloody defeat. After these events, the Yennians were forgotten and ignored by the government, left to live in impoverished settlements and fend for themselves.   Yennians are a god-fearing people. Long ago, Yennians worshipped an animistic religion in which all parts of nature, including themselves, were extensions of the All-Seer and therefore all life was connected. What started as a semi-organized church of animism had eventually evolved into the first monotheistic religion, Sulnism. While many other peoples worship pantheons and believe the gods of each pantheon to be real and tangible, Sulnists believe each of the gods of each pantheon to be embodiments of traits from the All-Seer, Sulnvkr. This, of course, has caused anger and retaliation from believers of the pantheons, as claiming their gods are mirages brought to them by the sun itself would of course be seen as antagonization.

Major organizations

The Kingdom of Yennia, part of the Obohr Independence Movement, is a near ethno-state consisting of primarily Yennians.
Encompassed species
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