Purpis Species in Tunoda | World Anvil
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Purpis is a common type of fresh water fish. Humanoids tend to find roasted purpis rather chewy and often prefer other fish is available. In most habitats, the purpis are eaten by larger water creatures such as the niata. A survival tactic of a purpis is to blend into their environment by absorbing fluids and taking on the visuals of its surroundings. In Redpond, a lake with purple luminescent glow during the night, the purpis tend to absorb the luminescent particles relatively quickly and in high quantities compared to other fish. The luminescent particles tend to hold their glowing properties for years as long as they do not come into contact with air and are exposed to uv radiation regularly. The particles are hard to capture, but can be processed into solar charged night lights.   Redpond fishermen hunt schools of purpis for their luminescent scales. A multi-step chemical process releases the luminescent particles that are caught in glass bottles and jars. The farther away from Redpond, the higher prices you can get. The process of sealing the glass containers has not yet been fully optimized and 99% of Redpond lamps have a small amount of air inside of them. A chemical reaction between the luminescent particles and the air can last months or years and will eventually strip the particles of their luminescent properties.

Basic Information


Purpis have a special type of scale that holds small pockets of fluid. The fluid is distilled so a high opacity of the fluid’s color remains in the scales. This gives a purpis the ability to blend in with its surroundings.

Ecology and Habitats

The majority of purpis in Matonga are found in fresh water lakes.
Conservation Status
The species are commonly found in large lakes. Fewer quantities can be found in rivers. There is no reason got fear extinction.

Cover image: by pi_paints


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