Flight and flying

"There are many flying creatures, a good number of flying plants and even some flying "islands" that exist in Turian.
From birds to bats, from insects to dragons, there are many capable of flight either by magic or by other means. We know about the floating mushrooms that can be found in some jungles on Telesina and Alver and we have the legends of the Mountains in the Sky.
The sightings of huge birds may be unfrequent in various regions and quite common in others but almost everyone has heard about or seen them just like it is with the dragons.

We do know, at least to some extent how various creatures are able to take flight and have some explanations to the mechanical and magical rules and reasons."

from "Taking to the Air the why and how of flight" currently in work at the Scholastic imperial Institute.

Whenever something takes to the sky there is automatically the question of how does it do that? While insects were never really discussed, probably due to their small size and light weight, in recent times the questions have started about them as well. First it was driven by a thirst for knowledge but with the sightings of really big speciments of various flying insects the question became somewhat more accute. After all when a speciment of almost 1Stride and 2 Spans dragonfly is found this raises questions.

Modern science classes aerial movement in the following way:

  • Controlled flight, most often revered to as flight - any form of flight that can be willfully controlled in direction and altitude. an example would be a birds flight.
  • Uncontrolled drift, most often controlled as airdrift - obviously any form of airial movement that can not controlled in any way. The example here can be the many airial seeds, clouds etc.

There are currently three accepted classes of obtaining areal movement.

  • Selfpowered or selfpropelled - all active forms of flight or airdrift that do not utilize magic.
  • Magically powerd or -supported - flight or drift that uses magic for control, iniciation or sustaining.
  • Passive drift - all forms for airial movement not classes within the former two.
However, there is still a debate about thrown objects. As they are airborne for at least a time schoolars are still at odds if that should be considered a seperate class of airial movement or relegated to the other three accepted forms.


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