
The Orick are a species of humanoid, mammalians who must be classified as a primate variant.

Their bodies are mostly covered in short fur, with longer hair on their heads and a line of long hair growing along their spine. Said longer hair grows dense, thick and sturdy and effectively protects those parts of the body against injury.

The Orick are omnivorous with a clear preference for meat and their dentation represents that with strong fangs and sharp, strong incisors.

Most Orick live in small settlements or tribes with a nomadic lifestyle. They breed livestock and various beasts of burden and mounts depending on the environment they live in.
Their culture favours strong individuals and prefers forceful solutions to diplomatic ones.

Basic Information


The Orick are humanoid mammals and feature the regularly encountered sexual dimorphism of such humanoids with the females recognizable by the prominent mammary glands on their upper torso. While the males are most often much more muscular, and taler and feature a much sturdier build body.
An orick's body is covered in fur that varies in colour, with some specimens even showing pattern markings.
Said fur also differs from a hard and protective expression to very soft and fine texturing. This seems to be an adaptation to the surroundings and life circumstances and it is known that Orick will change the ruggedness of their fur fairly quickly, often with just the next molting, whenever the circumstances change.

Orick fur displays a colour palette from a bluish black to light browns and on the Kento-Plains specimen has been encountered with straw colour fur.
Markings and patterns are also known to develop in certain populations.

Geographic Distribution


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