
A Witch or Witcher (often also Witch-male) are a tradition, a profession within the commnity of active magic users. They are known to be well versed in the art of potion brewing and for their knowledge and insight into nature's workings. Many are well reputated pharmacists, healers and offer wise council to their communities.

Witches are emotion bound in spellcasting. In broad terms that means that they have a much easier time casting spells or performing other magical tasks that go along with their current state of mind, when angry combat orientated magics are easier or more powerful while healing magic will be so when concerned for the recipent. It is almost impossible for a Witch-male to heal a person he strongly dislikes.

On the other hand all magics applied in tune is very powerful and often very easy to cast. As a result the Witches are very similar and the total opposite to the Sorcerers, like them the Witch seaks and strives for emotional control but not to restrict those emotions but to fokus on them as completely as possible. The Witch is most powerful when she can immerse herself in but one singular emotion and most veratile whe she can feel a number of them at the same time.
So control is a prime concern for the witch as well.

Witchcraft is one field they are almost unparalelled in.



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