
Dragon-kin are the strongest Beast-kin sub-race. They dominate both land and air (at least outside of the Great Forest). 

The top Beast-kin (the strongest in the entire race) becomes the King of the Beast-kin. This is found through the many strength contests Beast-kin run throughout the year. Though, there has only been one time in the long history of Turien that a Beast-kin who is not a Dragon-kin has been recorded as King. The King title is received regardless of gender. The King's partner is then acknowledged as the King's partner/wife/husband. Although it is not a monarchy, it is often the King's child that becomes the next King as the strongest in their generation. Prince and Princess titles are given to those who win a certain number of strength contests. Currently, the Dragon King and his spouse are Ryu's Parents. Ryu has achieved the title of Prince, though his two older siblings outrank him. Lee has also achieved the title of Prince.
Parent ethnicities

Cover image: by TaraFaeBelle


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