Medical Tavern Building / Landmark in Turien | World Anvil

Medical Tavern

There was once two Elven sisters, Taeliah and Gessbae. They both had the goal to heal the races of Turien that called the Great Forest their home. As Elves, Nymphs and Fairies do not get diseases as Humans and Beast-kin do, the sisters were basically just going to stitch up wounds. Such a simple thing, thought their parents, surely they will be able to get along now.   That was not the case. As soon as they started to work together, they started to fight over their procedures. Namely, pain relief. Before they even started to heal a patient’s wound they argued over the best way to administer pain relief. Taeliah thought the best way was to administer herbs and ointments on and around the wounds in order to numb them. Gessbae thought the best way was to distract the patients from the pain. As they continued to fight, their parents procured two new places for their healing, at opposing ends of the Elven Kingdom. Thus, the Healing Hut and the Medical Tavern were born.   Gessbae commanded the Medical Tavern, procuring the strongest ale available to give to her patients and spent her days sowing up drunkards. Over the centuries, the Medical Tavern has added many other treatments for their patients. Still, the strongest ale in Turien is exclusively made by (and for) the Medical Tavern.


Through the doors of the Medical Tavern is a large reception desk, where patients are to state their ailments and choose their drink. They are then taken through the left door into one of the treatment rooms (private or public depending on the patient's wishes and monetary ability) and given their drink. Once drunk, the treatment starts. They are left to sleep for the night, and the next morning they are led through the building to the right door of the reception area and made to pay at the reception desk.


The Medical Tavern has been built with the earth magic of the Elves, polished white to match all the prominent buildings of the Elven Kingdom.
Parent Location

Cover image: by TaraFaeBelle


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