Milty Splinters

As seen in

Milty Splinters (a.k.a. Hero's Companion)

Milty Splinters is part of the Human hero's group. She is half-Human and half-Frog-kin who only just made it through her Fight for Metamorphosis with her life. Though, it was rigged for a more experienced fighter. Even before her coming of age ceremony, she had been displaying some of the skills normally only attained after adulthood.   Due to her having attained adult skills (her bone manipulation) that no other Frog-kin has until after going through their Fight for Metamorphosis, Milty and her family have long been under the careful watch of the Council of Turien. This included the seclusion of her family from the rest of Turien, and so they stayed in the Swamplands for all of her childhood. Once she went through her coming of age, she was allowed to roam across Turien, as long as she stayed tethered to the Human Hero, Steve Brown.   Milty is unusually small for a Frog-kin. Many attribute this to her half-Human side, but the Council knows that it is more likely due to her growing her bone hammer than having a naturally small build. Her hammer is grown from her bone manipulation skill and after her Fight for Metamorphosis, she has managed to be able to enhance it with her tongue skills. She is able to camouflage it just as well as any other part of her body and therefore will often just camouflage her hammer into making it appear as if it is not there when she is on public missions with Steve.   The Council has stopped any leak of information that her hammer is actually a part of her, and most people only know it as a favoured weapon, thinking she is weak and therefore needing a weapon (again, due to her half-Human self). In reality, she is quite strong, yet uses her Human side and small size to display herself as weak.   She is an elder sister to Matthew Splinters, who has been watching her since his birth. She has tried to be strong for him, which has gotten them through many situations. Now that she works with Steve she has been able to place her studious brother into the protected classroom that Steve set up.   Not many noticed Milty until a few years after she started publicly working with Steve. They had just stopped a smuggling operation in North City and were receiving an award from the city's Mayor at a ceremony. Just as they were about to be publically thanked by the children they saved from child labour, the Mermaid assumed to be behind the operation showed up to cause havoc. Taking a child hostage, she brought forth a tsunami.   Milty jumped and used her tongue skills to save the child, leaving Steve and the rest of their Hero party dealt with the tsunami. Her tongue and arm were cut by the Mermaid in the process. Now, many parents give a relieved sigh when they hear that Milty is in their area.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

She is small in stature, able to hide well amongst children if it weren't for her bright pink hair. She wears large rimmed glasses (similar to her brother, though their frames are different shapes).

Special abilities

  • Poison
  • Leap
  • Sticky secretion
  • Camouflage
  • Tongue skills
  • Breathe underwater
  • Antifreeze
  • Night vision
  • Bone manipulation (Hammer)

Specialized Equipment

Milty carries around a large hammer. It is an off-white colour, with strands and specks of brown and yellow, all made of a single bone-like material. She has had this hammer since she was young, though it was smaller back then.

Mental characteristics


Milty never went to an official school as there were none in the Swamplands. However, she was able to learn from the books and occasional tutor[overseer] from the Council. After meeting Steve, he would send her extra everything, from food to information to stories, especially about Magenta Charles. After Milty agreed to send some of her data secretly to Magenta (through Steve), he gave her a phone. From here, she was able to access Turien's public online resources and taught her brother what he needed in terms of Human schooling.


Religious Views

As a Beast-kin, Milty agrees with the view that advancing your physical strength shows your acknowledgment of and gratitude for the Creator. Whenever asked about her views on the Creator or the worship of him, she will immediately take out her Hammer and proceed to fight until one concedes to the other's strength. Milty has not yet realised that without speaking her views (especially when not up against other Beast-kin), others do not understand her fight response as a deep theological view, rather than a be quiet or I don't want to answer kind of view.


Milty Splinters


Towards Matthew Splinters


Matthew Splinters


Towards Milty Splinters


Milty Splinters

Team Member

Towards Steve Brown


Steve Brown

Team Leader

Towards Milty Splinters


Milty Splinters


Towards Jim Tipperwater


Jim Tipperwater


Towards Milty Splinters


Milty Splinters


Towards Nani Ookami


Nani Ookami


Towards Milty Splinters


Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Matthew Splinters (Brother)
Pink, short

Cover image: by TaraFaeBelle
Character Portrait image: by TaraFaeBelle


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