Tersy Asture

As seen in
Tersy is a princess of the Forest Elves. To be sitting in a Human classroom would be so below her, except her brother knows how to handle her too well. With that, she also has Mary to speak and complain to, showing off her arrogance. Thankfully Mary knows how to talk to others well, saving Tersy's butt too many a time to count. Doesn't stop Tersy from making unnecessary enemies. They just don't cause a ruckus immediately - only after Tersy steps her foot in things too many times.

In the Human school, Tersy doesn't have many friends - no that she would be happy to have Human friends, but she does expect to be at the top and adored by all. When she is not adored by all, her eyes glower a slightly darker colour, her frown deepens when she sees those antagonising her, and while around them, her movements become slightly stiffer. She is prone to complaining or yelling, and can be easily provoked. Which [gov daughter] works out easily enough. As she is in a similar position to Tersy (authority their parents have wise) she is very similar to Tersy in temperament and expectations of others. As neither fawn on the other, they soon become great rivals and the whole school knows it. Mary has enough time trying to not let out the fact they are Elves that the rivalry quickly escalates. Thus, Tersy gets a following with a bunch of girls that don't like [gov daughter]. Further escalation ensues.

Tersy grew up in Great Forest, in the Palace. The Palace has the highest purity of white from stone there is, with any advancements found in their stone purification used on the Palace as it grows. Each Royal child / married spouse gets to create a room of their own. They shape it, and the Palace architects make sure the highest purity finishes the room (as well as placing the room in the palace, while moving the previous Royal Elf rooms to the underground). Thus, the palace is not only the tallest building in the great forest, but also the largest, and lowest (as it goes a long way underground).  


Tersy is the current youngest Princess of the Forest Elves. She has an older sister and two older brothers. Her mother and father are queen and king, both alive. Unlike other Races, Forest Elves have a set ruling term for each royal couple - in part an attempt to keep the kingdom in advancement. The term is set for 300 years (unless there is a death, in which case the heir will rule).    

Defining Features

Arrogant beauty. Proud.

Personality Characteristics


Lucas Asture is the current head of the Council of Turien. He is Tersy's brother, Steve's mentor and the council member who pushed hardest to set this program into action.
Knowing that Tersy could not bare to see herself as on the same levels as the other races, especially Humans, he changed the presentation of the offer:
How could an Elf, a Forest Elf at that, not be the one in charge of the Inter-racial Research Team?
Thus Tersy accepted the deal, with the thoughts that she will be the one to share her knowledge with those of lesser importance than her and her race.


Lucas Asture

Brother (Important)

Towards Tersy Asture


Tersy Asture

Sister (Important)

Towards Lucas Asture


Current Status
Student in The All-Races Classroom
Current Location
Current Residence
Mid City
Silver and long

Cover image: by TaraFaeBelle


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