The Trinity Treaty Document in Twearth | World Anvil
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The Trinity Treaty

And so it was, that after reordering the world, a deal was struck between the three. Six gifts were exchanged of such magnitude, that if an attempt was made to break the balance of power, all would fall.

The Ilithian, the stewards of the afterlife, gave unto the others:
The Eldertree, from which they had sprung - and by which they would meet their end - our gracious visitors were given a place to call their home.
And to be safeguarded by Acedia, The Realmstones, the key to their domains.

The Anaheera, the protectors of the mortal realms, parted with their fortress. Its forges to be lit by The Seven, and its Eternal Beacon never faltering, so that others of their kin may find their way.
Unto the Za's was offered The Song of the Unsung, a melody to be played when humanity was ready to nurture itself.

From The Sept Separi, the spiritual guides, came the greatest sacrifice from the shepherd himself: his one and only daughter, to be sheltered amongst the shooting stars.
Unto his oldest friends he presented Niathar'darah, the blade from which the powers of his Sept was granted, and by which they could be undone.


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