Ilithian Species in Twearth | World Anvil
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The majority of the content found here was derived from the publication "Ilithians: A Historical Study of the Origins of Vampires", by Curnan Hithersby, in association with the OPA, 1763 PS


Vampires, as they are reffered to by the commoners, are a rare but reappearing phenomenon throughout our written history. The earliest accounts fitting the description of this creature date back to texts in ancient following the Age of Darkness, year 8 PS. However, I hypothesize that a similar creature, the Ilithids, described in ancient scrolls, and even depicted in cave carvings long before our time, is one and the same.

Mythological Background

Several religious symbols and shrines have been unearthed, some dating back more than 4000 years, have been devoted to a group of pagan deities called The Ilithians.
They have been revered as stewards of the afterlife, a common practise, especially amongst the peasantry of old. It is unknown wether the shrines are devoted to numerous entities, or if the naming convention has simply changed based on geographic location, denoting the same individual.
Nevertheless, they all share the same prefix, za, the ancient word for king, or emperor. The following variations in suffixes have been found:
  • Za'rovich - meaning 'of the Ridges' in ancient. Believed to refer to the Western Isles, which were likely mountain ranges back in those days. The related evidencing material has been found on shipwrecks or in the geographic vicinity, supporting this theory.
  • Za'nadres - meaning 'of the North'. Sufficient archaeological findings point this denotation towards the North Lucerian Desert, and possibly parts of the Nubrelean Continent.
  • Za'dukar - meaning 'of the twin coast'. Little has changed in our modern understanding of the etymology, and it is very probable, that this refers to the Audaic Peninsula and the Carthenean Peninsula.
Additionally a fourth name is repeated regardless of geographic location, and it is highly plausible, that this does indeed refer to another enitity entirely:
  • Za'oonir - the actual translation from ancient is debated. 'Of the outside', 'otherside' or even 'wrongside' are all fair suggestions, depending on the context. It's furthermore speculated that this deity may be the very entity from the legend of Una, a lunar godess worshipped in shamanistic cultures.


I will begin to make a clear distinction between the Ilithids (which predate our modern Post-Shift history) and the deificly elevated Ilithian (or vampire, which I will use interchangably, as I believe them to be the same thing).

The similarities between Ilithids and their modern adaptation are numerous. They are both described to be of a generally humanoid stature, although the skin is sickeningly pale, and they tend to shun sunlight. Ilithid are also often depicted with additional bodily appendages of alien or aquatic nature, while Ilithian are able to assume a convincing human appearance.
The canines are enlarged compared to a normal human, and the few studies of live speciments of vampires have found them to be nearly impervious to degredation or damage.
Overall they are both believed to be extremely long lived: some accounts, decades apart, describe the same "person" in detail, indistinguishable from eachother. At other times recurring encounters take place in the same general vicinity, spanning several hundreds of years. A few more public facing proposed Ilithians, posing as humans, even go by the same name throughout historical records, but appearing in news media over several lifetimes.
Mind you, that these creatures are notably human in appearance, and have no proven link to the common species, such as Elves, Gnomes, or Dwarfs, which are known to have prolonged life-expectancy.
Finally Ilithid and Ilithian share a similar parasitic nature and need to feed off of other living beings, although, Ilithid seem to differ in that they often leave the victim (if they were so lucky, or unfortunate, as to survive the encounter) in a permanent mind-addled state, in addition to being drained of blood.
Reseach on Ilithian Canines
Research on Ilithian or vampire canines, 1354 PS, by Dr. Luka Maples

With the minor discrepancies out of the way, let us go over the most contemporary description of the modern-era "vampire" adaptation. It is worth noting that the last account of a proposed Ilithid is more than 500 years old, to which it is considered extinct, or otherwise progressed along the evolutionary path to better survive in our present-day society.

Ilithians are slender and taller than average, but otherwise identical in build to a normal human.
Their skin is pale and you are unlikely to encounter them in direct sunlight, which studies show to cause harm.
An individual may reveal themselves, if provoked, by baring their pointy abnormal canines, although this is not definitive prove, since studies find that humans afflicted with a possibly connected Condition may display the same characteristic. (Irenaar, 1757)
Rare personal accounts also describe the ability to assume the form of a bat, or bat-like creature.
Ilithians tend to blend well into society, often holding high places of power due to their longevity and accumulated wealth, and surrounding themselves with aristocratic allies, proposedly in exchange for their 'gift' of near-immortality. Few Ilithian children have been reported, but the encounters were often very lethal, the adolescent mind seeming to lose all self-composure.

Combat Capabilities

If confrontation is inevitable, beware that Ilithians posess unusual strength and enhanced reflexes. They can extend long claws from their digits, and their bite has a crippling effect on their victim.
They are known to have an accelerated metabolism, quickly healing any wound not caused by a silvered weapon, or struck when subject to sunlight. A slain Ilithian may appear lifeless at first, but will recover, given time. A wooden pole through the heart has shown to halter the regenerative process, allowing for closer study. The creature will not recover from heavy dissection either, but can regrow individual bodyparts, if the majority of the being is intact.
Select individuals have also exhibited an innate ability to manipulate arcane energies, and as such should be avoided unless no other option presents itself.

Do note, that popular fictitious litterature contain misleading methods of combatting "vampires", that scientific studies have shown to be pure fabrication. These include the fear of religious symbols, that they cannot cross thresholds without explicit permission, or the preposterous idea that garlic is supposed to protect you.


Sample of Orus Ore
Sample of Orus ore, courtesy of the OPA archives.
It is all but confirmed that vampires are unable to produce offspring.
Historically prominent - proposed - Ilithians have on occasion taken wives or husbands, with whom they would continue the lineage, through a child of a previous marriage. However, no church record has ever shown these figures to foster children of their own blood.
Ilithians have instead been found capable of spreading their genes, or at least their dark powers, through a bite, passing on their characteristics to their victim. It does seem that this transfer has to be a conscious decision on the part of the assailant, indicated by the amount of people surviving said bite in an encounter, without showing signs of a change in physical properties (often tested through sunlight sensitivity).
The latter claim seems to be confirmed through the near-absence of Ilithian infected children. Any accounts of juvenile individuals showing vampiric traits, have always described completely untamed behavior, quickly resulting in a lethal chase for said individual. Being privy to the effect that this
transformation has on an underdeveloped mind, the Ilithian may abstrain from passing on their "gift" too early, out of fear of losing their heir.

Furthermore this passing of the - curse - rather, seems to weaken the positive enhancements to physical health and capabilities with each transfer. This is best documented in the case study on the Dukes of Lyrafors, a bloodline in which a high standard of normalcy, and thus, frequent generational shifts was upheld. This alowed the family to go unnoticed for centuries, but also alowed for the last heir, Dorothea, to suffer a mortal blow on a simple elk-hunt.

This leads me to believe, that backtracking the succession of Ilithians, one would find increasingly powerful members of the species. Given their long lifespan, some of the very early ones may yet walk these lands to this day. Imagine the horror, which such a creature would demand... And is it, then, any wonder that these Za's were regarded as gods. And if we were able to trace their steps, all the way back to the Za's, how did this shift from Ilithid to human crossbreed happen?

It is my belief, that the first Ilithian devoloped as a result of this human worship. Prior to our scientific understanding of the world, it used to be a common religious conviction, that having faith in ones deity of choice would empower them, enabling them to aid us in return. Superstition aside, I find it much more likely, that a mortal adoration of these creatures - that are supposed to frighten you - allowed for a mutually benificial bond between the two: the Ilithid inserting themselves into our species by some means.

Those means, I believe, might be related to the Orus Ore, a rare metal with abnormal behaviour. The ore has been found in quarries, mines and excavations, globally, but with no appearant pattern - and always in smaller but concentrated deposits, with no correlation to surrounding minerals. (Kelpa, 934)
However, it is in its insanity-inducing capabilities, that my interrest lies. Long exposure to the substance has shown to incite sudden and immutable fits of rage and cannibalistic behaviour, as well as enhanced strength. Subject exposure has, in most cases, resulted in the necessity of euthanization, or the subject has absconded.

The OPA has chosen to reject my appeal to experiment on their collection of Orus, by virtue of insufficient expertise in toxicology, thus, concluding my studies for the time being.


Irenaar, Astan. Therianthropy: A Study in Neurotransmitter Divergence. Porporas, 1757

Kelpas, Nathan. Arcane Metallurgy: The Compiled Notes of Orus Apalempos. Archos, 934

-Included in the study are several dozen excerpts of various personal accounts. The back inside of the binding reads: "On the grounds that I do not share their values, the OPA Council has decided to terminate my tenure at DGU. My work will be admitted to Candlekeep's Library -Dr. C. Hithersby


Physical Characteristics

General Build
Humanoid, slender but above average stature.

Exceedingly pale.

Human, but more vibrant.

Average Height
1,8 to 2,3 meters.

>1000 years, does not age.

Ilithid cave carving, depiction of Ilithid appropriating human figure, accompanied by runic words of warning, approx. 2500 BS.

Additional Characteristics

Dietary Needs and Habits
Feeds on blood from living - possibly strictly sapient - beings.
Preys on lower status individuals and acquires sustenance subtly by abusing their often high positions of power in society.

Sensory Capabilities
Elevated senses and reflexes.
Posesses innate arcane manipulation potential.

Reproduction and Growth Cycle
It is speculated that Ilithians are unable to procreate.
They instead seem to inflict themselves upon their victims, willing or otherwise (see Origins). Aging stops at the time of assimilation.
Very few adolescent cases have been confirmed, but they often succump to feral tendencies.

Further Research

Abstract of research found in Facility 18:
Of the 52 subjects evacuated from the Scarlet Massacre of Midsummer 11th, fourteen were able to be resuscitated (likely due to being of a more direct bloodline).

Thorough post-mortem was performed on the remaining 38, resulting in only previously confirmed data points.

Testing the old myths on live subjects lead to the quick accidental discovery, that they are prone to cognitohazards:
Simply being informed that they were not permitted access to an area was enough to cause strong physical reactions in the subject, were the directions not followed. This created a very safe work environment despite minimal security.

Going off of our hypothesis inspired by Dr. Irenaar, we achieved our first major breakthrought: Provided enough mental strain was applied, we were able to convince some subjects that their teeth were becoming brittle. This allowed us to validate our theory and isolate the responsibe prion.
Human trails commenced.
97 participants were brought in, of which 8 failed to survive the transformation, and 21 showed differing degrees of success - especially those surviving injections with multiply varieties of prions.

The remaining 68 participants suffered a condition. previously only known to affect under-developed minds - namely children - best described as "feral".
Our scans show that they are acting out of a primal sense of fear, and generally shun civilization. Notably they avoid anything resembling a road or path. Subjects may easily be provoked and behave irrationally and agressively.
Confinement is adviced.

Illithian Full-Body Dissection
The more promising subjects, while scoring below average intelligence, have shown to be equally susceptible to mental manipulation as their non-engineered counterparts. We have been utilizing this to implant failsaves, as well as positively enhancing their capabilities.

While studies and procedures continue here at the facility, I will be personally escorting subjects 0043 and 0078 west to our associates.  
-Signed M


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