A prostitute is someone, usually a female, who is paid to have sexual intercourse with men. Prostitution is usually illegal but is secret. Edelmar highley encouraged the sex industry and would have her daughters become prostitutes.
Prostitutes have to be attractive so men or women will want to have sex with them. They also have to know how to have sexual intercourse to pleasure their clients. They also have to be willing to do whatever sexual fetish their client has.
Payment & Reimbursement
Payment is usually direct. A client will pay a prostitute and they will start pleasuring them. Sex industries also pay them.
Fufill the sexual needs and desires of others
Social Status
Prostitution is seen in many different ways. Some people support it, saying it's a regular job, other people are disgusted by it due to the sexual transmission of diseases and violence that prostitutes face.
Poor women are usually employed as prostitutes, as are orphans. There are very few men
Lingerie, skimpy clothing, makeup
Workplaces can vary from the person's house to bars or allies.
Provided Services
Sexual intercourse. Vaginal sex, oral sex, foreplay, others.
Dangers & Hazards
Prostitutes are very likely to get pregnant or catch STDs or STI's and will most likely pass it down to other clients, maybe even children if the man that impregnated her had an STD.
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