Clone Wars Military Conflict in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Clone Wars

The Clone Wars (-3–0 BFE) was a major, three-year war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Also referred to as the Clone War, it was named after the army of clone troopers used by the Republic against the Confederacy's battle droid army. With both being fielded in enormous numbers by each respective side, the Grand Army of the Republic and the Separatist Droid Army were two of the largest military forces in galactic history, and fighting between them swept through the galaxy upon the outbreak of war in -3 AFE.   Beginning with the First Battle of Geonosis, the conflict quickly spread throughout the galaxy with both sides scoring significant victories. Battles, skirmishes, raids and other actions continued for the next two years, with notable battles occurring on Ryloth, Felucia, Malastare, and Kamino. During this time, the Separatists developed various super weapons, including more traditional weapons such as the ion cannons of the battleship Malevolence, as well as biological weapons such as a variant of the Blue Shadow Virus. Meanwhile, the Republic launched several key offensives, including the Second Battle of Geonosis, which obliterated Geonosis' battle-droid foundries, and a failed Jedi-led operation to capture Supreme Commander of the Droid Army General Grievous at Saleucami. Amidst the escalating conflict, many planets—including Mandalore and other members of the Council of Neutral Systems—struggled to maintain their neutrality, but found it difficult to escape the carnage.     Over a year into the war, Republic Senator Padmé Amidala and Separatist Senator Mina Bonteri collaborated on an initiative to end the fighting. However, their collaboration ended after Dooku and Grievous' bombing of the Republic capital on Coruscant. Later, a peace conference on Mandalore also failed to resolve the conflict. With no end in sight, the Jedi worked with local militaries, including Mon Cala's military and Naboo's Gungan Grand Army, and covertly trained an insurgent rebel cell to retake Onderon from Separatists occupation. Similarly, the Confederacy relied upon factions such as the Umbaran Militia and the Zygerrian Slave Empire. Furthermore, a proxy war materialized when Mother Talzin and her son, the now rogue Sith Lord Maul, strove to exact their revenge on both the Sith and the Jedi.   During the war's third and final year, the Republic drove the Separatists into redoubts within the Outer Rim Territories, initiating a campaign termed the Outer Rim Sieges. In an effort to reverse the course of the war, Grievous launched a massive strike on Coruscant through the Deep Core. Much of the Confederate fleet was lost in the assault, along with Head of State Count Dooku. The Confederacy quickly lost its core leadership in quick succession, with Grievous subsequently falling in battle during the Battle of Utapau, and the Separatist Council being massacred on Mustafar. This, coupled with the deactivation of the droid army, led to the total capitulation of the Confederacy and, with it, an end to the war.
Conflict Type
Conflict Result
Defeat of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and formation of the Galactic Empire


Confederacy of Independent Systems




Independence from the Galactic Republic
End the threat of the CIS military and reintegrate the rebel systems.


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