Jedi Order Organization in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Jedi Order

The Jedi Knights were a noble order of Force-sensitive protectors—united by their ability to use the Force—who upheld peace and justice in the Galactic Republic for over a thousand generations, carrying out what they sensed to be the will of the Force as its instruments. As keepers of the peace, the Jedi Order undertook diplomatic missions on behalf of the Galactic Senate, and pursued interplanetary criminals across the galaxy. In contrast to the Sith, the Jedi's historic foes, who harnessed the dark side, the Jedi drew their power from the light side of the Force. The Jedi Code, along with a collection of other foundational texts, guided the Jedi way of life, governing the behavior of individual Jedi to the philosophy and training regimen of the Order as a whole.   The Jedi Order was declared traitorous to the Republic by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine just before he declared himself Emperor of the Galactic Empire. The vast majority of the members of the order were killed almost immediately. Most of the survivors have gone into hiding, but both Master Quinlan Vos and Master Jocasta Nu are independently attempting to rebuild the Order following their personal philosophies, and are rallying survivors to their cause via the Freedom Network.   The Inquisitorius is made up of Jedi who were captured by or voluntarily joined Emperor Palpatine.  

Former Jedi Allied with the Freedom Network

Deceased Jedi

Religious, Holy Order


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