HoloNet News Organization in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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HoloNet News

The HoloNet News is a prominent news agency operating within the galaxy that transmits data via the interstellar HoloNet. Originally independent, HoloNet News was taken over by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars to ensure that information would not be compromised by the then enemy Confederacy of Independent Systems.   Following the Clone Wars, Emperor Sheev Palpatine founded the First Galactic Empire, and the HoloNet News became the official state-run news agency of his new regime. To ensure that its briefs were consistent with government messaging, the agency is overseen by Pollux Hax, Imperial Minister of Information and member of the Coalition for Progress. It became law that HoloNet News be broadcast at all times in every drinking establishment.   HoloNet News reports are sent via hyperspace transmission, allowing instantaneous connection throughout the whole galaxy.
Broadcasting, Television Network
Alternative Names
Notable Members


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