Hutt Species in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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The Hutts are a sentient species of large gastropods with short arms, wide cavernous mouths and huge eyes, who control a large space empire in Hutt Space. The species is said to originally hail from the planet Varl, but no planet by that name appears on any Imperial star charts. Their adopted homeworld is Nal Hutta. Members of this species are often stereotyped as crime lords.   In appearance, a Hutt is an immense slug-like creature that has a thick body with a long muscular tail with small arms located on the upper body. The large body has a bulbous head at the top. Hutts' appendages allow them to manipulate their environment to a limited degree. The entire base of their body serves as a creeping slow foot, enabling them to slither across their environment in a manner similar to that of a slug, though some Hutts grow so large that they became immobile. They have no skeleton but instead have an internal mantle which supports and shapes their head. Young Hutts tend to have a uniform light tan skin and lack greenish pigmentation on their spine that went down their tail as they age. A Hutt's skin is perhaps its greatest defense as the epidermis is able to resist all but the most corrosive of chemical substances. Furthermore oil and mucus sweat make a Hutt difficult to grasp as its body is slippery to hold. Should anyone manage to grab hold of the body or manage to puncture the skin, heavy layers of blubber and muscle protect the vital organs from harm. In addition, the slimy coating of sweat and mucus protects them from either chemical burns or heat. Hutts are resistant to many poisons and diseases and seldom fall ill. It is also claimed that the species is indigestible, with creatures such as the sarlacc facing indigestion from swallowing a Hutt. As a result, such creatures forcibly expel their kind instead of eating them, which was a trait that has saved some Hutts from death. Their body odor is noted for being strong enough to upset a sensitive human stomach.   Their bulbous heads have two enormous reptilian eyes that are sometimes compared to those of a feline and protrude from the surface of their face. As members of their kind grow fatter, these eyes tend to be hidden beneath folds of leathery skin, though younger Hutts lack this feature and thus have slightly more protruding eyes compared to their older kin. Blinking their eyes and passing the nictitating membrane in slow deliberation is considered the equivalent of raising a sarcastic eyebrow. Beneath their wide nostrils and upturned nose is a broad lipless mouth that spreads from one earhole to the other. Similar to serpents, to which they are compared, accommodating their appetite, Hutts are able to open their jaws to miraculous widths that allow them to devour almost anything and are even able to consume a grown humanoid. A specialized radula located deep within their throats allows them to shred food in preparation for digestion. Although not common, Hutts are able to be Force-sensitive. They have the ability to see ultraviolet light that is invisible to Humans and most alien species. Often, wealthy Hutts light their palaces in these spectra of light, giving intruders, or at least those without similar abilities or compensating equipment, a false sense of stealth.   Hutts are physiological anomalies as they possess traits from many different species. Similar to sea mammals, their nostrils can close and their large lungs allow them to stay submerged underwater for hours at a time. Like worms, they are hermaphroditic and thus possess both male and female sex organs. They needed no partner to produce a child. However, some Hutts, like have two parents, a mother and a father. Although hermaphroditic, the average Hutt possesses a notably healthy sexual appetite, even for members of other species.   Hutts have the marsupial trait of bearing their young one at a time and nourishing them in a brood pouch in the body. Despite these many characteristics, they are generally classified as gastropods by scientists due to their hermaphroditic nature and slithering, slug-like manner of their movement. The lack of any legs means that the species slithers across their environments with their tails capable of being used as weapons to bludgeon their enemies to death. Whilst this was the case, Hutts are not known for their mobility, and require smooth surfaces to navigate their environment; things such as carpets or upholstery serve as obstacles to the layer of slime generated by their bodies when moving. Their slimy hides are typically hairless, though an exceptionally small percentage are known to grow both locks and beards due to the presence of a recessive genetic trait. While this makes them distinctive to non-Hutts, they are seen with distaste and considered a type of mutant among their race.   Perhaps most remarkably of all, Hutts can even regenerate body parts when injured.


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