Nal Hutta Geographic Location in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Nal Hutta

Nal Hutta is a ringed planet nestled in the depths of Hutt Space in the Outer Rim Territories. It's a mist-covered swamp world with a hot, humid and fetid climate maintained by thick swampy rain that falls almost perpetually. The world is a hotbed of life and its environment was fairly representative of the sentient Hutt species that inhabit the world. The influence of the Hutts has made the world an important location. The planet's surface is covered with numerous bogs, with what little solid land there is claimed by the Hutts and used to support their homes.   The Hutts have built only a handful of spaceports on the surface of Nal Hutta in order to connect their towns, settlements, and palaces, as the planet receives few visitors due to most business with offworlders being conducted on the planet's largest moon, Nar Shaddaa. The foremost of these spaceports is the planet's capital city, Bilbousa, a sprawling mess covered in arching roots that spread out from looming bulbous pods. Within sight of the city is the Palace of Gardulla Besadii the Elder, one of the largest buildings on Nal Hutta, which serves as the occasional headquarters of the Grand Hutt Council, the ruling body of the Hutt Clan that controls the planet. Under the Hutts' control, the planet shares a reputation with Nar Shaddaa for being polluted and dangerous, but plays a leading role in the galaxy's shadow economy.
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