Janos Bishto Character in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Janos Bishto

Janos Bishto

Janos Bishto is a bounty hunter who usually works for the Hutt Clan, and is currently on retainer to Tiigada the Hutt. Janos has a burning desire in his breast to get revenge on those who he blames for the death of his senior partner, most notably Cani Corrik.   His black hair is combed forward and feathered, coming to an aggressive triangle that covers the left half of his face while barely missing his eyes. He wears a pair of space-dark pince-nez sunglasses with the tell-tale underglow of tech enhancement. He wears a formfitting set of blast-resistant clothing that features less than typical padding at the abdominal muscles and arms. His over-large blaster pistol is strapped low on his hip and would clearly wobble suggestively if he swaggered forward.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
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