Golden Porg Vehicle in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Golden Porg

The Golden Porg is a a nightclub/casino/hotel star liner that travels the Corellian Run.  
  • Decks 1-2: Tech, staff area
  • Decks 3-10: The public hotel and casino
  • Deck 11: VIP Lounge (for personal guests of Tiigada -- i.e., connected criminals)
  • Deck 12: Tiigada's private deck
    The Dancing Bantha, on Deck 7, is a dance club that features several exotic dancers. Its large neon sign depicts a Bantha, standing on its back legs, doing a can-can. The sign sits in a uncanny middle where the Bantha is neither cartoony or realistic enough in depiction to be appealing. It does draw the eye to the large bar with three stages, all with different attractions.   The Porg is currently in orbit around Allanteen VI, entertaining the shipyard workers.


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