Canticle of the Titans Document in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Canticle of the Titans

Hassan and Kleeck investigated the Master Teacher's private office in the College of Eloquence and stole a scroll written in Latin, describing the nine Titans, titled the Canticle of the Titans. The text is in Latin, but the translation into Common is below (provided by Kleeck and Laura):
An age before the dawn of gods,
Ere earth was form’d or sun did shine,
The planes were rul’d by ancient beings:
The reptile-visaged Titans nine.
  Their king was Saturn, diamond-bright,
Lord of time and prince of crops.
His consort, queen of wild things,
A python-woman known as Ops.
  And massive, with his turtle-shell,
Oceanus swam the River Styx.
His opposite, bath’d in fire and flame,
Was the dragon-lord baptiz’d Garyx.
  A crocodile govern’d night and day:
Hyperion, who was often mute.
His brother, sheath’d in platinum scales,
Was the Lord of Justice, Bahamut.
  Kereska, seeming mamba-like,
Was serpent-queen of arcane arts,
While Eurybia, of the cobra-mein,
Could call the storm, and betray the heart.
  These reptile-seeming titan-gods
Were not the first to rule the planes.
They turn’d against their own forebears
And fought them until Saturn reigned.
  But Saturn was bewitched and trick’d,
Convinc’d his father meant him ill,
By the cruel five-headed Tiamat:
At her urging, were their parents kill’d.
Text, Literary (Novel/Poetry)

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