Rome Settlement in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Rome is the largest, and greatest, city in the world. It has existed for more than 2,000 years and is home to half a million people. The city is a major center of trade, commerce, and education, and of course serves as the seat of Rome's government. The Imperial Palace is here, along with the largest amphitheater in the Empire, the Colosseum. Nearly anything one wishes to find can be had here. Rome has bath houses, indoor plumbing for Patrician and Plebian homes, public bathrooms and fountains for everyone, and an underground sewer and sanitation system. The city is protected by some 2,000 members of the elite Praetorian Guard, the greatest soldiers in the world. Although dominated by humans of the Hill Folk subrace, there are tens of thousands of others, including the other subraces of humans, as well as dwarves, elves, halflings, gnomes, centaurs… just about any race that exists anywhere in the Empire, or its tributaries, has members living in this city. It is the jewel of the Empire and truly the Eternal City. Rome's patron deity is Jupiter, king of the gods.


The city of Rome was founded by, and remains dominated by, Humans, mainly Hill Folk, and to a lesser extend the other subraces (Desert Folk and River Folk). However, there are at least a few members of nearly every humanoid race living here -- some as foreigners, and some as full Roman citizens. The population breakdown is (roughly) as follows:   70% - Hill Folk
10% - Desert Folk
7% - River folk
5% - Grey Elf
2% - Bluff Dwarf
1.5% - Aarakocra
1% - Goliath
1% - Half-Elf
0.5% - Light Elf
0.5% - Ore Dwarf
0.4% - Sylvan Elf
0.4% - Stalwart Halfling
0.4% - Shale Gnome
0.1% - Nimble Halfling
0.1% - Timber Gnome
0.1% - Centaur


The city of Rome is ruled directly by the Emperor and the Senate. In practice, most day-to-day city administration is controlled by the Prefect of Rome (usually a former consul, appointed directly by the Emperor and rubber-stamp ratified by the Senate) and a large bureaucratic staff. The The Twelve Laws of Rome are, of course, enforced in the Eternal City. In addition to these laws, there is a law against anyone but the military or the bodyguards of Senators bearing any sort of weapon on the streets or in public places. Ownership of arms is allowed, and arms may be transported (as long as not worn in a manner easily disposing them to be drawn) and sold. But members of the general public were not allowed to walk around "packing" in Rome. The penalty is usually confiscation and loss of ownership of the weapon, with a possible fine in egregious cases.


Rome is patrolled/defended at all times by at least 3 cohorts of the Praetorian Guard (1,500 men). An additional cohort (500 men) is stationed permanently in and around the Imperial Palace and the adjacent government buildings to directly protect the Emperor and the Senate. The city is protected by stone walls, 10 feet thick, 30 feet high, with a tower every 100 feet. There are 18 guarded gates in the 12 mile circumference of the walls.

Industry & Trade

Nearly any good one can imagine is available in Rome, including a variety of modest magic items (equivalent to +1 items, but no more than this). Most moderate to simple potions, ointments, and the like are available. Great libraries of books and scrolls exist. There are dozens of inns and taverns, apartment houses, bath houses, and just about any service one could imagine.

Guilds and Factions

Guilds for nearly everything exist here, including illegal ones whose membership, if discovered, would result in the death penalty, such as the Assassins' Guild.


Rome has a number of distinctive architectural features:  
  • Temples: There are temples to many of the major gods: Jupiter, Venus, Minerva, Vesta, Apollo, Diana. The Pantheon temple has altars to the remaining eight gods (Mars, Ceres, Juno, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto, Vulcan, and Bacchus). Smaller shrines to all the (non-Evil) gods are scattered throughout the city in various public places.
  • The Flavian Amphitheater (aka. Colosseum): The largest structure of its kind anywhere in the world, the Flavian Amphitheater is home to the Games of Rome. Events are held monthly, usually on the Nones of the month (the 5th or the 7th, depending on the length of each month). The games begin around 8 AM and continue until sunset, with different types of contests and events throughout the day. It covers 6 acres of ground area and rises nearly 160 feet from the ground. It can hold 75,000 people.
  • The Forum: A large public square near the center of the city, the Roman Forum is a place where people gather, senators give speeches, and salespeople hawk their wares.
  • The Senate Curia: The meeting place of the senate, the Curia is a modest structure, made of concrete, and possessingmainly a large 100' x 50' hall with seating for the 600 sitting Senators. It is located adjacent to the Forum, to allow Senators to easily make public speeches when desired.
  • The Imperial Palace: Originally built by Augustus but then added to by the Emperor Domitian, the Imperial Palace covers much of Palatine Hill, and sits directly adjacent to the Circus Maximus, providing the Emperor with box seats and a grand view of the chariot races.
  • The Circus Maximus: A giant oval stadium for horse and chariot races and other games, the Circus Maximums is over 2,000 feet long and nearly 400 feet wide, and is capable of holding 150,000 people. Originally gladiator fights and beast hunts were held in the Circus, but after the Colosseum was built, this became a venue for athletic events and races, and the combat-oriented events were moved to the Colosseum. Games are held weekly on Sun Day.


Rome was built on and around seven hills all in proximity to one another. The River Tiber flows past the city on the northwest side, leading out toward the port town of Ostia and the Sundered Sea.


  • The Eternal City
Alternative Name(s)
The Eternal City, Roma
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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