Court of Scarabs Organization in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Court of Scarabs

The Court of Scarabs is a secret society of River Folk living in Carthage. Comprised entirely of Sorcerers, the society is one of only two groups of individuals in the known world who are able to cast arcane magic spells innately, without the need for the study of wizards, the patron support of warlocks, or the musical training of bards. Because these powers are inherited, it is assumed that all members of the Court are, to some degree, related to one another.   The Court of Scarabs is an insurrectionist organization dedicated to freeing Egypt from Roman rule. As such, membership in the Court is illegal, violating the Roman law against unsanctioned assemblies. The penalty for violating this law is death.   Just mentioning the Court of Scarabs can strike fear into many a heart among those living in Carthage. The Court's actions against the ruling Egyptian monarchs and the Roman Empire are violent and often deadly.

Public Agenda

The Court of Scarabs does not make its agenda known to the public.
Founding Date
AUC 1030
Guild, Mages
Related Ethnicities

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