Roman Empire Organization in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Roman Empire


  • Imperator Augustus - the Emperor, absolute ruler of Rome.
  • Consul - Chief administrative officers of the Empire. Nominated from the Patrician class by the Emperor and confirmed by the Senate, they serve in pairs for 1 year.
  • Senator - The legislators of the Empire. There are 600 Senators representing the non-colonial provinces of the Empire. These are appointed by the consuls. They serve for life once appointed.
  • Proconsul - Each province of the Empire is run by a former Consul who acts as the regional governor. In border provinces, the Emperor is the proconsul.
  • Procurator - A former consul or other Patrician is appointed by the Emperor to act in his place as proconsul of each border province.
  • Prefect - The chief administrators of a town. Appointed by the Emperor or by his designee (such as the province's Procurator).
  • Decurion - The legislators of towns and cities. Decurions are of Plebian (not Patrician) rank, and once elected, serve for life.

Public Agenda

The official public agenda of the Roman Empire is to bring law and order to the world. The Romans believe that they are a "civilizing" influence on the rest of the world, and that their rule provides people with security and safety. Romans dislike chaos and disorder, and will go to nearly any lengths to clamp down on such things. To that end, they rigorously enforce The Twelve Laws of Rome Being convicted of breaking the law often results in execution -- the Romans believe that such harsh and final punishment is necessary to obtain obedience.


Rome was founded as a city more than 2,100 years ago, in AUC 1. According to legend, two brothers, Romulus and Remus, led a coalition of Hill Folk tribes to victory over the Orcs in the Seven Hills area of Latium. But the brothers argued over where to found the city, and their forces clashed. Romulus slew Remus, and founded Rome on the Paladin's Hill. From there, the city grew and prospered, first becoming a city-state, and then a small kingdom, ruled by Monarchs.   Things went well for the first few centuries. But then in the AUC 290s, a corrupt king came to power, and the Romans soon rose in revolt against him. In AUC 298, they overthrew the king, and chose to rule themselves through representation in the Senate. Thus, the Roman Republic was born. The Republic then lasted for nearly 800 years, slowly growing in size. Eventually the Romans conquered all of the peninsula of Latium. Then their rule expanded across the Bay of Latium to Pynarum and Collandra, until eventually all of the Hill Folk were part of the Republic. Rome's armies continued to advance, heading eastward, or "Sunward" as they called it, until they came to dominate the areas around the Euxine Sea.   As the Romans learned to sail, they began to clash with the Kartagonian Desert Folk from across the Sundered Sea. They fought a series of wars against them, freeing the Aarakocra of Aerium from Kartagonian oppression along the way. Eventually, the power of Rome was too much even for the great Kartagonian navy, and the Desert Folk, too, fell under Roman rule. From one end of the Sundered Sea to the other, the power of Rome became unmatched.   Finally, in AUC 1012, a great general named Gaius Julius Caesar arose, and took his Legions westward into the lands of the Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings. Caesar waged a series of long wars against these "small folk," as the Romans called them, and was eventually victorious. He then returned to Rome in triumph, expecting to be treated as a hero. However, fearing his growing power and popularity, the Senate dispatched Pompey with an army to stop him. Caesar defeated Pompey's forces, and arrived in Rome, where he was proclaimed Dictator in AUC 1028.   Pompey, meanwhile, had fled to Aegyptus, where he had sought the assistance of the Pharaoh. Caesar pursued him, and found an ally in the Pharaoh's sister, Cleopatra, who wanted the throne of Aegyptus for herself. Together, Cleopatra and Caesar won a crushing victory, and Caesar saw to it that Cleopatra was made queen of Aegyptus. In exchange, she agreed that Aegyptus would be Rome's vassal forevermore.   In AUC 1030, Caesar returned to Rome one last time. He ruled there as dictator until he was assassinated by his enemies in the Senate in AUC 1032. The assassination touched off a civil war between Caesar's top general, Marcus Antonious, and his nephew and heir, Gaius Octavius. Octavius was ultimately victorious in the Roman civil war, and when it was over in AUC 1049, the Senate proclaimed him Imperator -- Emperor of Rome. The nation of Rome officially became known as the Roman Empire. Thereafter, the Empire continued to expand, with conquests occurring mostly in the north. Eventually, the Elven lands of Skogralfheim and Ljosalfheim, and the Gnome and Halfling area of Silaxia, were added as tributaries to the Empire.

Senatus Populusque Romanus
The Senate and People of Rome


  • The Known World
    A complete map of the world, as known to scholars and map-makers within the Roman Empire, circa AUC 2103.
  • The Eternal City
  • Port Draconis
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Solidus = 1 pp = 10 gp
Aureus - 1 gp
Quinarius = 1 ep = 1/2 gp
Denarius = 1 sp = 1/10 gp
Sestertius = 1 cp = 1/100 gp
Legislative Body
Judicial Body
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles

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