Elf Species in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Elves are a magical race that can trace its origins much farther back than any other humanoids. According to Elven legend, when The Daghda gave the order for the other gods to create sentient races to worship them, Perchata, the goddess of the hunt and the moon, created Elves first. She imbued them with her own love of nature, and gave them a special connection to the Feywild, which the Elves believe is her rightful domain. She even took some Elves there to live with her -- the mysterious Eladrin, of whom even most mortal Elves know very little. The rest of the Elves, she gave dominion over the forests of the world, and they settled in three main places, leading to three different populations. One group of Elves settled in the Forest of Secrets, and called themselves the Light Elves, or Ljosalfar in their tongue. A second group settled in the Sunset Forest, calling themselves Sylvan Elves, or Skogralfar. A third group settled in the Myrkyr Islands off the coast of Latium, calling themselves the Grey Elves, or Myrkalfar. Some time later, Malekith saw what Perchata had done, and took some of the Light Elves to his domain, corrupting them, and unleashing them back on the world as the Dark Elves, or Svartalfar.   Physically, Elves tend to be slimmer and shorter than humans, averaging 5 to 6 feet tall and weighing 100 to 140 lbs. In addition to skin tones equivalent to those found among humans, one can find skin coloration among the elves that resembles copper, bronze, and bluish-white. Elvish hair color can be white, green, or blue in addition to the human shades, and their eyes can take colors such as gold or silver in addition to human eye colors. Elves are long-lived, with maximum ages reaching as high as 700 years, although not many elves live this long (just as not many humans live to be 100). Still, living past the age of 500 is not uncommon, giving Elves a much longer perspective on world events than that of humans or other races with briefer lives. Elves tend to be naturally good at magic, especially magic pertaining to wild things and the out of doors.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves mature more slowly than the other races. Their social custom (outside of the Romanized Grey Elves) is to declare themselves adults at a time of their own choosing, but usually between the ages of 100 and 120 years old. Aged elves do not appear to grow older the way other races do -- hair color does not change; skin does not wrinkle. The only sign of advanced age, and approaching death, is that cataracts begin to appear in the pupils of elder Elves' eyes. Over some years -- perhaps as much as two or three decades -- these cataracts will become more pronounced. The cataracts are seen as evidence that Perchata is calling the Elf home. Eventually, usually during sleep one night, the Elf will die, and his or her soul will, presumably, return to the Feywild to live among the Eladrin and the other Fey creatures.

Ecology and Habitats

Nearly all Elves love nature and the woods, and so they are often found in woodland habitats. Even Elven cities are often built in and among the trees, frequently being constructed up in the branches both for safety and for love of the forest.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Northwestern Europe, including Skogralfheim and Ljosalfheim, and many of the smaller forests nearby, along with the Myrkyr Isles.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves have Darkvision, allowing them to see in dim light as if it were bright light (up to 60 feet), and in darkness as if it were dim light (up to 30 feet). Their keen senses also give them proficiency with the Perception skill.
500-700 years
Average Height
5' to 6'
Average Weight
100 to 140 lbs
Related Ethnicities

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