Grey Elf Ethnicity in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Grey Elf

Also called silver elves, murky elves, or lunar elves, grey elves are friendlier towards non-elves than other sorts, and get along particularly well with Hill Folk. Grey elves originally lived in the Myrkyr Islands, off the coast of Latium, and these isles remain their primary home. This proximity to the early Romans led to commerce and trade between the two peoples, and eventually, the grey elves asked to join the Republic. There was much debate in the Roman Senate, but eventually it was agreed to. Thus in AUC 547, the Myrkyr Isles were incorporated into the Republic, in an event called the Coniugiorum Alfarensium (the union with the elves). Grey elves have been full citizens of Rome ever since.   Grey elves are sometimes seen as traitors by other elves -- the other elves see the grey elves as having sacrificed their own elvish beliefs, gods, and culture to become Roman. The grey elves, in exchange, often view other elves such as the light elves as haughty and arrogant. The Roman Empire has been good to the grey elves, and they believe that it would be so to the other elves, if only the elves would give the Romans the chance.   To a grey elf, home can be among the members of one’s family, clan, or other friends and loved ones, but also among their fellow citizens of the Roman Empire. Grey elves frequently serve in the army. Their penchant for magical ability as bards or wizards often sees them serving in magical units, and frequently grey elven rangers serve as scouts alongside the Aarakocra, with whom they are generally on excellent terms.   Grey elves have the racial traits of high elves in the Player’s Handbook. They have pale skin with a bluish or silverish tint, or sometimes their skin can be fully blue or silver. Their hair runs the gamut of human colors, but tends to the lighter shades, and some grey elves have hair of silvery white or various shades of blue. Their eyes are blue or green and have gold flecks.   Given the race’s love of travel, exploration, and new experiences, many grey elves become adventurers, utilizing their talents for warfare, woodcraft, and wizardry in different measures. Grey elves can be found everywhere in the Roman Empire and there are a number of Patrician families of grey elves.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Aloro, Amakiir, Amastacia, Ariessus, Arnuanna, Berevan, Caerdonel, Caphaxath, Casilltenirra, Cithreth, Dalanthan, Eathalena, Erenaeth, Ethanasath, Fasharash, Firahel, Floshem, Galanodel, Goltorah, Hanali, Holimion, Horineth, Iathrana, Ilphelkiir, Iranapha, Koehlanna, Lathalas, Liadon, Meliamne, Mellerelel, Mystralath, Naïlo, Netyoive, Ofandrus, Ostoroth, Othronus, Qualanthri, Raethran, Rothenel, Selevarun, Siannodel, Suithrasas, Sylvaranth, Teinithra, Tiltathana, Wasanthi, Withrethin, Xiloscient, Xistsrith, Yaeldrin.

Other names

Most Grey Elves adopt one of the three generically available nomina as their clan's Roman name, using their family name as a cognomen, and their given name as a praenomen. Thus might find an elf with a name such as "Thiala Flavia Aloro" -- Thiala is the given name, Aloro is the elvish surname, and Flavia is the Roman nomen.


Common Myths and Legends

Grey elves have become fully integrated into the Roman Empire, and as such they tend to worship gods under the Roman Pantheon. Some grey elves who live in the Myrkyr Isles and rarely venture to other parts of the Empire still worship using the Elvish version of the gods' names (e.g., Sif, Thor, Odin), but this type of worship has become increasingly rare over the centuries.
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