Eris Character in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Quartermaster Eris Penumbra (a.k.a. Two-step)

Seeking a life of excitement and adventure, Eris set off from the town of Port Voltur on a ship bound for the heart of the Roman Empire. She stopped briefly in Port Exera, where she managed to book passage on a merchant ship, Neptune's Fancy. This ship left port bound eventually for Ostia, the Port of Rome, but never made it. None on board, including Eris, were ever heard from again.   Nearly two years later, the party became trapped in a legendary and dangerous maelstrom in the Sundered Sea, and found themselves transported inexplicably to a different land -- a supernatural place where ships could fly and where the stars were visible within the waters themselves. This was the Astral Sea. A massive pirate quinquireme, named the Labyrinth, rescued them, and they discovered that it was commanded by none other than Eris herself.   Eris explained that the Neptune's Fancy had also been drawn to this place -- the Astral Sea -- by the maelstrom, and likewise had been rescued by the pirates of the Labyrinth. She had joined their crew, and risen to the rank of Quartermaster, second only to the Labyrinth's captain, named One-Horn. Eris and all the rest of the pirates have made a home of sorts in the Astral Sea, but are also trapped here -- unable to get back to the mortal lands, as the maelstrom only seems to be a one-way trip.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Maelstrom tattoo under her left eye -- commemorates the day she entered the Astral Sea and became a pirate.

Identifying Characteristics

Skull and crossbones tattoo on her right forearm.

Mental characteristics


Quartermaster and second-in-command of the Labyrinth
Chaotic Neutral
Raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
110 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant

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Character Portrait image: Eris Pic


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