Ghoul Species in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Undead creatures summoned from the beyond by necromantic magics, ghouls haunt the cemeteries and graveyards of the world, typically coming out at night. They have an insatiable hunger for mortal flesh, and do not care for how long it has lain decaying. In fact, ghouls seem to prefer gorging themselves on decomposing flesh, much like carrion creatures. The decomposers of the undead world, ghouls end up infected with a paralytic poison, which can be transferred to others by their unclean claws. Roman legends say that the first ghoul to ever stride the earth was a light elf, but the elves dispute this.

Basic Information


Ghouls have pale grey-blue flesh, fanged mouths, and sharp claws on their hands and feet. They usually wear rotten bits of clothing they have scavenged from their victims' corpses.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Ghouls are not known for their high intelligence. They may be able to speak or understand common -- the one ghoul the party encountered did not speak to them, and did not survive long enough to be interrogated.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The ghoul encountered by our heroes appeared to be capable of seeing in the dark without the need of a light source.
Average Height
5' - 6'
Average Weight
100-150 lbs
Geographic Distribution

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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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