The Known World Geographic Location in Tyllus | World Anvil
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The Known World

The Roman Empire is a vast, extensive nation that stretches from one end of the Sundered Sea to the other, and beyond. The Romans are meticulous about mapping and naming things, and they have named all the regions of which they are aware, even ones they have not fully explored or conquered yet. This area they call the "Known World." Other regions exist, across the ocean or far to the east, but these are not known to the Romans and are not reasonably accessible during game play.


The Known World is defined by its central geographic feature, the Sundered Sea. A pleasant climate pervades this relatively calm body of water year-round, with warm summers and mild winters. Other major geographical features include the massive Sentinel Mountain Range along the northern border of Latium, the Latin Peninsula (Latium), the hilly Bluff Lands, and the northern coast of Africa. The rich delta of the River Nile empties into the Sundered Sea, and there are many small islands in its waters. The northern part of the Known World is much colder and less mild, and home to savages such as Orc tribes and Bugbears.


  • The Known World
    A complete map of the world, as known to scholars and map-makers within the Roman Empire, circa AUC 2103.
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