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Goblins are small, Gnome-sized, selfish humanoids who live in caves, abandoned mines, other dark and hidden places of the world. Although not very strong alone, goblins can be a serious threat in large groups. They are often jealous of their larger cousins, the hobgoblins and bugbears, and will take extreme measures to gain the power to equal those larger creatures.   Goblins are led by the strongest and most ruthless among them, usually called a chief. A goblin chief will take all the best females (as goblins measure things) for himself, which can sometimes cause jealousy among the rank and file males. Goblin chiefs are selfish and greedy leaders, and will readily sacrifice their underlings to save their own skin.   Goblins worship Dispater as their creator.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Goblins tend to live underground, in caves, abandoned mines, or the sublevels of ruins. They tend not to like daylight and try to avoid being out in it.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Goblins are organized into large tribes, the members of which are usually related by blood, at least distantly. Goblin tribes tend not to get along with each other, and they often fight among themselves.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Goblins are most commonly found in the hilly and mountainous areas of the Ravaged Lands, the Northern Marches, and the Letalis Verge.

Average Intelligence

Goblins, as a general rule, are not too bright, with an intelligence that is, on average, somewhat lower than a typical humanoid. This is a common feature of all goblinoid races, and in fact goblins are somewhat cleverer than their larger cousins.
50-60 years
Average Height
3-4' tall
Average Weight
40-80 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Goblins tend to be yellow or green-skinned and have bright red eyes.

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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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