Gnome Species in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Gnomes are small people known for their energy and enthusiasm, as well as their creativity and inventiveness. Gnomes average slightly over 3 feet in height. They tend to have tan or brown skin, and are well known for their long noses (although not every gnome actually has a long one). Their hair tends to be fair rather than dark, and is often worn in a manner other races might call wild or unkempt. Gnome men tend to wear short, groomed beards, in contrast to their usually wild hair. Their clothing tends toward earth tones, but they frequently decorate their garb with brightly colored embroidery or other decorations such as jewels.   According to Gnomish legends, their race was created by Lugh, whom the Romans call Mercury, and their personality often matches his. They tend toward rapid speech, as if they can't get their thoughts out of their heads quickly enough, and are great lovers of pranks, jokes, and puns. To other races, Gnomes seem to love life, and to want to squeeze as much out of it as they can. Many gnomes channel their energies into creation, and they are well known as alchemists, tinkers, and inventors.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Gnomes have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gnomes mature at about the same rate as humans, but are not considered full "adults" until the age of 40. They live for around 300 to 500 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Gnomes make their homes in hills or forests - preferably areas with some of both, enabling them to enjoy trees as well as hills. Gnomes tend to live underground, but they regularly go up to the surface for fresh air. Gnomes love nature, so they experience the surface world whenever possible. Their homes are well hidden by both clever construction and simple illusions. Welcome visitors are quickly ushered into the bright, warm burrows. Those who are not welcome are unlikely to find the burrows at all.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Gnome societies are deeply influenced by their appreciation for arts, crafts, and pranks. Gnomes do like to party, and are known for their grand celebrations of important events or holidays. Gnome weddings can last for a week, even though gnomes don't view love the same way humans did. If love fades between a couple they tend to just go their separate ways, believing their earlier feelings to have been a prank by Lugh (Mercury). Because Gnomish society is based on art, nearly all gnomes take up some form of arts or crafts, such as cooking, painting, singing, or other forms of creativity.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Gnomish homelands are located in two regions. Timber Gnomes are found in Silaxia, a large island off the coast of Europe. Shale Gnomes are found on the Iberian Peninsula, near the Dwarven lands, in the coastal nation of Gnomis.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gnomes are accustomed to life underground, and darkvision. They can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Gnomes speak Gnomish, which uses Dwarvish script, but is otherwise a completely unique language, as well as Common.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Gnomes tend to get along swimmingly with both Dwarves and Halflings. These three races have lived in close proximity for thousands of years, and consequently their religious beliefs merged. This common set of rituals and beliefs has made them relatively friendly toward each other. In particular, Gnomes get along swimmingly with Halflings -- in particular the Timber Gnomes and Nimble Halflings, who lived separate from the other races for many centuries in the Silaxia region, and who fought many battles side-by-side against the nearby humanoid races, such as goblins.
400 years
Average Height
3' to 4'
Average Weight
40-50 lbs
Related Ethnicities

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