Guilds and Societies in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Guilds and Societies

The assembly of a group of people into a public organization is strictly regulated by Roman Law. According to law VI of The Twelve Laws of Rome, it is unlawful to hold public meetings without government permission, and all public assemblies require direct oversight by a member of the government (e.g., a senator or a member of the town assembly). All guilds, clubs, and societies are considered "public assemblies" under this law, and therefore require government sanction to legally operate.   Legal societies are referred to as Collegia Licita ("Legal Colleges" - the Roman term for any guild, society, or club), and illegal societies are referred to as Collegia Contra Legem ("Colleges which are against the law"). Membership in a Collegium Contra Legem -- a guild or society that has not received government permission -- is punishable by death.

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Articles under Guilds and Societies


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