Collegia Licita in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Collegia Licita

The Collegia Licita are the legal guilds, societies, and clubs within the Roman Empire.  To be legal, each Collegium must receive permission from the relevant authority -- that is, the highest authority within the jurisdiction. This depends on the level at which the Collegium operates. Once sanctioned, these societies have permission to meet in private locations, such as a guild hall, or a tavern, without the need to have a government official present. Any outdoor public meetings (such as in the Forum) still require the presence of a government official.   Collegia Loca are local societies, guilds, and clubs -- those which operate within the borders of a village, town, or city. Local societies require permission of the town Prefect or the town Assembly.    Collegia Provincialia are regional societies, guilds, and clubs - those which operate within the borders of a single province. Regional societies require permission of the proconsul or procurator of the province.   Collegia Imperatoria are Empire-wide societies, guilds, and clubs -- those whose membership spans two or more provinces. Empire-wide societies require the permission of the Emperor.

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